Weekly horoscope until April 2nd: This is how your stars are aligned at the weekend | life & knowledge

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Monday means start of the week!

A look at the starry sky reveals a lot and can make your whole week easier. what does that hold Weekly horoscope ready for you: A fateful encounter, a lot of money or just stress at work?

Read your horoscope here Star sign for the week of March 27th to April 2nd!

Zodiac sign Aries (21.3. to 20.4.)

The Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is a warlike pioneer. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

It’s a relaxed week where you don’t have trouble taking care of yourself. As a single you like to meet friends and if you strike up a flirt along the way, take it with you. But you tend not to become active yourself. When it comes to sex and eroticism, a creative break is recommended.

Work & Finance

Job and career are favorably irradiated. Financial planet Mercury and lucky charm Jupiter in Aries will help you show what you can do. You are well received, argue wisely and handle your money skilfully. Your ideas are true flashes of inspiration and bring success.

Fitness & Feeling

Now is Aries time and you can feel it! Sun and Jupiter in Aries build you up and give you new power. Although Mars runs crosswise, that reduces the desire for sport and use of power a little. But your inner strength is enormous and you tackle all projects with a lot of confidence.

Zodiac sign Taurus (21.4. to 20.5.)

The Trails is a child of Venus and stands for luxury for all the senses. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

These are real lucky stars to put you in first place on the flirting front. You certainly won’t remain unkissed and you just have to draw a little attention to yourself. In couples, old love flares up. Venus in Taurus lets the sparks fly and awakens the desire for tender eroticism.

Work & Finance

You have your career in mind and are ambitious yet flexible. Mars helps you with arguments, price negotiations and networking. Of course, this has a positive effect on your financial situation. You are particularly good at planning and projects relating to IT and computers.

Fitness & Feeling

You have a very good body awareness. Almost intuitively, you eat what is good for you and then move when it suits you. The stars are in an unusually favorable position for vacation and relaxation this week, making it easy for you to relax quickly. They also sleep better than usual.

Zodiac Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

★ The twin is the inexhaustible source of ideas of the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

You get along well with your partner, diligently make plans together and let your energies flow together. Your bond strengthens. As a single you are happy solo. You prefer to let things come to you in a relaxed manner than to be constantly on the lookout.

Work & Finance

You can expand and consolidate your position in the job. They appear confident and stand up to the competition. But show yourself loyal to colleagues who are fair. Financially it is stable. Your interest in investments and worthwhile investments is growing.

Fitness & Feeling

Thanks to the sun and Jupiter, nothing is left to be desired on a sporting level. They are driven by a great energy and want to get everything done immediately. But you are not only under high voltage, you also reserve time for relaxation.

Zodiac Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

★ The Krebs is the master of emotions in the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Tingling vibes from Venus and Mars will get you going. When single, you even tend to fall head over heels in love. You certainly won’t go unkissed! Couples have fun in bed, trying out sex toys and new positions. Also great: On March 29th and 30th. the moon promises even more harmony.

Work & Finance

This week, you’ll need to be more savvy to pull the strings when it comes to networking. Colleagues or customers are more idiosyncratic than usual and very concerned about their own interests. A smart offensive will help you keep the competition at bay. Negotiations for dear money require more hardness.

Fitness & Feeling

Mars helps all athletes and those who want to become one. Your aggressiveness is enormous and you can start a new training plan that suits you. You persevere, are strong and quickly realize how good it is for you.

Zodiac sign Leo (23.7. to 23.8.)

★ The Lion is the sun child and king of all zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Venus is currently running across and is causing tension. Singles are interested in complicated people who are very difficult to assess. Things are generally looking good for couples. In everyday life you get along well, but there is little time for romance and tenderness.

Work & Finance

You shine as a coach and motivator. You score points with your organizational skills and bring the right people together. During this week you will know exactly how to implement innovative concepts in your job. What you do is well received and makes teamwork easier. Financially you have everything under control.

Fitness & Feeling

Your energy barometer is top, the sun and Jupiter are your energy boosters. When doing sports, you master every challenge and sometimes pack an extra pound on your dumbbell. You are less robust when it comes to feasting and drinks. A bland and light diet is the better choice for you.

Zodiac sign Virgo (24.8. to 23.9.)

★ Die Virgo is known for her changeable perfectionism. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Singles catapults Venus onto a pink cloud. A possible companion is in sight. Now it’s time to get active and flirt intensively. Couples harmonize wonderfully and the desire for tenderness and romance is great.

Work & Finance

In the job you are the center of attention and receive a lot of attention and praise. You fight for your beliefs and are also quite creative. You correctly assess the current market situation in your area and use your financial possibilities optimally.

Fitness & Feeling

Powerplanet Mars pushes you so you are in top form and ready for everyone to have fun. They have found a good rhythm, body and soul harmonize perfectly. No matter what you intend to do, it’s now easier to do.

Zodiac sign Libra (September 24th to October 23rd)

★ Die Scale is the zodiac sign of beauty. Your week looks like this:

Love & Friends

Mars and Jupiter are challenging and will add stress to your relationship. Misunderstandings are possible. Rely on sensitivity and understanding, then it works. As a single you are best off reducing your expectations of a flirt a bit and letting yourself be surprised.

Work & Finance

This week, a cool head and clear facts count. When it comes to teamwork, there is unrest and you need more flexibility. Your Libra diplomacy will help you further here. It is important to work carefully and read the small print precisely.

Fitness & Feeling

Mars dampens your desire to exercise. Now it’s better for you to kick back in your free time and put your feet up more often. Luckily, your intuition is strong and you can feel exactly what your body needs.

Zodiac sign Scorpio (October 24th to November 22nd)

★ The Scorpio is the seductively enigmatic sign of the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

► Love & Friends

This looks like an exciting week as your stars are quite contradictory. As a single, Mars encourages you to flirt. You feel like having sex, but you haven’t developed deeper feelings yet. In a relationship you need hot eroticism, but you are less inclined to cuddles.

Work & Finance

Mars creates better conditions in terms of recognition and finances. It pays to negotiate vigorously and look at the money. Costs can be reduced, income increased. You find it easy to present new strategies or products. They score with persuasiveness and eloquence.

Fitness & Feeling

You have great strength and will not be deterred from your path. You know what you want and you can focus your life on your goals. They make great use of superfoods, mindfulness, and targeted conditioning to stay fit for those goals.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius (23.11. to 21.12.)

★ The Protect is the lucky one among the zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Singles get the hang of flirting and quickly connect with nice people. There is a confident and positive atmosphere in couples. Joint projects are fun and eroticism is fulfilling.

Work & Finance

You are a pioneer for innovative ideas and modern concepts. You are fully operational and coach your colleagues when it comes to motivation and enthusiasm. But the financial side also counts. It pays for you to be frank about what you have in mind, because Mercury and Jupiter bring luck.

Fitness & Feeling

You now have great mental energies and are spiritually alert. When it comes to sports and fitness training, you are motivated. But you will always find enough time for relaxation.

Zodiac sign Capricorn (22.12. to 20.1.)

★ The Capricorn is the careerist among the zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Venus delivers sugar-sweet vibes. Couples develop great understanding for each other. They get closer in conversations and spoil each other with devotion. Singles are on the trail of love, but have to deal with exciting circumstances. The new crush is still somewhat mysterious.

Work & Finance

Your ideas are special and you could start a career as an influencer right now. Nevertheless, the money doesn’t quite fit: Mercury and Jupiter clearly show that you are not yet making optimal use of your options for cost optimization. Especially with large purchases, it is worth negotiating the prices.

Fitness & Feeling

At the moment it is really good for you if you focus on the big relaxation program in your free time and take a back seat to sports. Leave your to-do list in the drawer and rely on a lot of rest instead.

Zodiac sign Aquarius (21.1. to 19.2.)

★ The Aquarius is the eccentric in the zodiac. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Singles are in turmoil. Your thirst for adventure is great and so you quickly end up in bed with a chance acquaintance. Couples have good conversations. However, from time to time there can be a problem with questions of taste.

Work & Finance

Thanks to Mercury and Jupiter, the finances are going well. Sales figures are increasing, freelancers are getting new orders and it’s worth talking to your boss about better pay. You argue in a clever way and have your advantage in mind.

Fitness & Feeling

A Sun-Mercury-Jupiter mix provides you with strong nerves and an extra portion of optimism. You can easily cope with even the most demanding requirements. However, it is not so easy for you to switch off in the evening.

Zodiac sign Pisces (20.2. to 20.3.)

★ Die fish are the dreamy seducers among the zodiac signs. Your week looks like this:

Dear friend

Venus and Mars make it tingle and give couples a wonderfully passionate week. Being single exudes a lot of sex appeal. When it comes to data, magnetic forces come into play. Spring fever is in the air.

Work & Finance

Mars pushes and you can feel that clearly: you receive more recognition for your work and your ideas. You are in demand and can use your talents skilfully. You also excel at creative projects. You regulate financial matters generously, but not carelessly.

Fitness & Feeling

Venus pimps your charisma and your joy in wellness and care. They pamper themselves and treat themselves to a mask or a luxurious care product more often. Mars delivers, too: When doing sports, you accelerate and keep up your training sessions more easily.

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