Weekly Horoscope: Virgos – You need to set boundaries

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Aries (Photo: without credit)

Jupiter opens up opportunities in all areas, and the energy, enthusiasm and initiative are strengthened. You are dominant in the home and among the family. In relationships with the immediate environment you are required to set boundaries. Friday through Saturday at noon are likely to be socially sensitive, there may be a sense of loneliness. On Saturday at noon until Monday at noon you will feel the need for relaxation. The moon in your luck from Monday noon to Wednesday will bring with it an energetic strengthening – in your ability to lead and initiate moves successfully. On Thursday you are expected to deal with financial matters.

Taurus (Photo: No Credit)Taurus (Photo: No Credit)

You are required to move forward and you have a feeling that you are being accelerated, which makes it difficult for you. You feel restlessness and nervousness. Your presence is dominant in your immediate environment. From Friday to Saturday at noon you will feel heaviness and restlessness in your career. Saturday noon to Monday noon are likely to be very socially sensitive: you will want to give, but you must set boundaries; From noon to Wednesday you will feel an energetic strengthening and inexplicable optimism. The moon in your luck on Thursday will increase your sensitivity and restlessness.

Gemini (Photo: No Credit)Gemini (Photo: No Credit)

You are required to set boundaries in the relationship in order for the relationship to be balanced. The economic sphere can reach balance now. Friday through Saturday at noon are expected to be days of soul-searching and disillusionment. Saturday noon to Monday noon are expected to be career-sensitive; From Monday to Wednesday you can lead social ideas or groups thanks to your dominance; On Thursday you will feel unexplained nervousness and restlessness.

Cancer (Photo: No Credit)Cancer (Photo: No Credit)

The relationship in the family is strengthened and draws a lot of energy and time from you. Careers will open up opportunities, especially for those born in the beginning of luck, it is worth taking risks. From Friday to Saturday at noon you will feel nervous and heavy but you will also reach disillusionment. On Saturday at noon to Monday at noon you will feel balance and emotional satisfaction; From Monday to Wednesday there will be career strengthening and opportunities for benefits, promotion, success or publicity; On Thursday you will feel restlessness and nervousness.

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Leo (Photo: No Credit)Leo (Photo: No Credit)

Your ability to express yourself is strengthened. In your career you are asked to be enterprising, which makes you feel that you are being accelerated. Personal matters are holding you back from advancing your status. Friday through Saturday at noon are expected to be emotionally heavy when it comes to relationships and relationships. On Saturday at noon until Monday at noon you are expected to have an emotional experience that will bring you satisfaction and enjoyment; From Monday to Wednesday, enthusiasm and joy are expected, these are good days for horizon-expanding experiences; On Thursday you will feel restless in your career.

Virgo (Photo: No Credit)Virgo (Photo: No Credit)

You have a tendency to lose boundaries in relationships, you tend to give to the other side at your expense, and this is reflected in marital relationships and social relationships. You must set boundaries, otherwise you will hurt yourself. Friday through Saturday at noon you will feel an emotional load in matters of work or health. On Saturday at noon to two noon you will feel sensitivity in the relationship, as well as satisfaction and enjoyment but also a need to set healthy boundaries; Monday through Wednesday optimism will intensify; On Thursday you will feel nervous and restless.

Libra (Photo: No Credit)Libra (Photo: No Credit)

Opportunities in the field of relationships, especially for beginners. Fun experiences for those who are in a relationship. In your career you are prominent and influential, especially the natives of the lucky one. Friday through Saturday at noon are expected to be emotionally heavy. On Saturday noon to Monday noon you will feel pleasure and satisfaction from the work, especially those who are engaged in the professions of care, art and service; Monday afternoons through Wednesdays are expected to be good for relationships and partnerships, especially for early-birth natives; On Thursday you will feel restlessness and nervousness.

Scorpio (Photo: No Credit)Scorpio (Photo: No Credit)

Tensions, anger and nervousness in relationships and partnerships affect the atmosphere at home. At work, benefits and a positive atmosphere are expected. Friday through Saturday at noon you will feel overwhelmed, emotionally heavy and restless. Saturday noon to Monday noon are expected to be good in the romantic realm and when it comes to self-fulfillment, and you will feel satisfaction and enjoyment; Monday at noon to Wednesday are expected to be good at work and there may be benefits and success; Thursday there will be a tendency for outbursts and impatience.

Sagittarius (Photo: No Credit)Sagittarius (Photo: No Credit)

In marital relationships and / or partnerships, clear boundaries are required, against the background of the tendency to lose boundaries with the other party. At work you need to speed up processes, but the required change will only materialize later. Friday through Saturday at noon emotional heaviness is expected; On Saturday at noon until Monday at noon you will feel pleasure and satisfaction at home and among the family; From Monday to Wednesday, romantic opportunities are expected, especially for the natives of the beginning of luck; Unrest is expected at work on Thursday.

Capricorn (Photo: without credit)Capricorn (Photo: without credit)

Significant changes in the relationship are expected for those born at the end of the fortune: separations, marriages, fateful acquaintances, etc. The atmosphere in the house is positive and optimistic, especially for the natives of the beginning of luck. Friday through Saturday at noon congestion and heaviness are expected against the backdrop of economic matters; On Saturday noon to Monday noon you will feel satisfaction and enjoyment in the immediate surroundings; On Thursday, unrest is expected in the romantic realm.

Aquarius (Photo: No Credit)Aquarius (Photo: No Credit)

Tension, nervousness and restlessness at home: You want to move but feel blows that do not allow you to do so. The process, which has been going on for a year and a half – is getting stronger, and you are having a hard time letting go of what is holding you back. Friday through Saturday at noon are likely to be emotionally heavy due to the mental arithmetic you are conducting. On Saturday afternoon until Monday afternoon, economic options will open up for you; From noon to Wednesday you will feel optimistic and there may be an opportunity for studies; Sensitivity, restlessness and nervousness are expected on Thursday at home and in the family.

Pisces (Photo: no credit)Pisces (Photo: no credit)

You feel satisfaction and pleasure. There may be a beginning of an affair or falling in love. Creativity is strengthened. Friday through Saturday at noon are expected to be heavy and emotionally charged. The moon in your luck on Saturday noon to Monday noon will bring with it satisfaction, calm and serenity. It may be a romantic experience. From two in the afternoon to Wednesday, economic options will open up for you, you should take risks; On Thursday you will feel restlessness and nervousness in the immediate area.

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