Weekly Overview: Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Fatigue after Corona, Suicide, GP Reprimanded, Assisted Suicide, and Medical Confidentiality

by time news

2023-05-12 16:30:00

Every Friday you can contact us for a weekly overview in which we briefly look back at the most striking, interesting or most important news items per working day. This week, behavioral therapy for chronic fatigue after corona, suicide, reprimanding a GP, assisted suicide and medical professional secrecy were in the news. In this weekly overview the most important events of this week.

Monday: behavioral therapy as a solution for chronic fatigue after Covid-19

People with persistent fatigue after a covid-19 infection benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy. After the treatment, most patients are less tired and can concentrate better. Cognitive behavioral therapy can do this for them.

Tuesday: partner helps terminally ill girlfriend with suicide

Last week, Michel (45) was sentenced to a three-month suspended prison sentence with a probationary period of two years. Three years ago, he helped his girlfriend Evelien (39) commit suicide.

Wednesday: GP is reprimanded for handing out corona proofs during a pandemic

A GP has been reprimanded by the Disciplinary Court for Healthcare in Den Bosch for not being careful in issuing corona certificates, which allowed people to go to the theater or travel during the pandemic, for example. The health inspectorate stated that the GP should not have issued the evidence anyway. The college is not involved in that. Read why here.

Thursday: medical confidentiality: when are healthcare professionals allowed to violate this?

Doctors and other registered healthcare professionals in all healthcare sectors are subject to medical confidentiality. This means that they must remain silent about everything they learn about a patient. Patients must trust that all information is confidential. However, there are exceptions. When can professional secrecy be broken?

Friday: suicide again leading cause of death among young people in 2022

In 2022, 1916 people took their own lives. That was 54 more than in the previous year. The number of suicides per 100,000 inhabitants has been stable since 2018. Statistics Netherlands shared more figures on this today.

By: National Care Guide

#medical #confidentiality #general #practitioner #reprimand #assisted #suicide

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