Weiberfastnacht: Tens of thousands celebrate the start of the street carnival on the Rhine

by time news

Despite sometimes pouring rain, tens of thousands of carnival participants came to the street carnival in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Mainz and Bonn. The official start was at 11:11 a.m. Due to the bad weather, the crowds in downtown Cologne were smaller this time than usual, said Cologne Carnival President Christoph Kuckelkorn. “Either people come later or they have decided to celebrate at home, which is a nice concept.”

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According to the police, the center of the celebrations around Zülpicher Strasse has so far been “80 to 90 percent” full Cologne City Gazette reported. According to the newspaper, thousands of people were already out and about in Cologne at the start of the celebrations.

Mayor Henriette Reker emphasized the idea of ​​diversity behind the Cologne Carnival. This is also sung about in many songs, she said. “I would hope that this will be lived in this way throughout the year that lies ahead.”

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In neighboring Düsseldorf there was also a celebration in the old town. The traditional storming of the town hall took place there. In Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, numerous carnival participants gathered at the carnival fountain on Schillerplatz, as they do every year.

The Weiberfastnacht, which takes place on Thursday, marks the transition from the meeting carnival to the street carnival. This time it is a special women’s carnival for the Bonn district of Beuel, where the 200th anniversary of the so-called washerwomen’s uprising was celebrated. This tradition goes back to an early women’s movement. In 1824, the Beuel washerwomen turned against patriarchy and the associated exploitation of women and founded a women’s committee.

“The custom of laundresses of discussing their husbands’ gross violations of domestic peace and marital fidelity at coffee klatches according to a set set of rules has survived the different political eras to this day,” said the city of Bonn.

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Despite sometimes pouring rain, tens of thousands of carnival participants came to the street carnival in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Mainz and Bonn. The official start was at 11:11 a.m. Due to the bad weather, the crowds in downtown Cologne were smaller this time than usual, said Cologne Carnival President Christoph Kuckelkorn. “Either people come later or they have decided to celebrate at home, which is a nice concept.”

According to the police, the center of the celebrations around Zülpicher Strasse has so far been “80 to 90 percent” full Cologne City Gazette reported. According to the newspaper, thousands of people were already out and about in Cologne at the start of the celebrations.

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