Well-being, Coach Bianchi restores good humor

by time news

2023-05-24 17:19:31

The myth of Sisyphus who sees him carrying a boulder with difficulty to the top of the mountain which he never reaches because the boulder always rolls back to its starting point, is a perfect similitude of a life that we often feel apparently meaningless and without great weapons available for counter negative events. But in reality, one of the most powerful weapons that we can ‘manufacture’ ourselves, the one capable of modifying our lives and the perception that others have of us, activating the magical power to positively influence the environment in which we find ourselves, is the good mood. Gian Maria Bianchi, a former entrepreneur, knows this well, who radically changed his life to put his experience and studies on human mental abilities to good use. Today, and for over 25 years, Bianchi has been involved in training in interpersonal relationships and in the development of Personal Intelligence, he teaches Emotional Intelligence for business at the School of Business Economics of the Liuc University of Castellanza. Bianchi, in addition to being a Business Coach, is also a writer and has helped a multitude of people to get in tune with themselves, finding a good mood even in adverse situations.

Gian Maria Bianchi goes beyond the definition of good humor which “leads to positivity in extreme external conditions that do not depend in any way on our will”, and lucidly explains that he does not attribute superhuman miracles to good humor because, of course, “good humor is not even a distant relative of happiness; it is a second cousin of joy, which resembles mirth”. But – by making his teachings available to us and showing us a path so simple and effective as to leave us amazed and through daily practices that are easily applicable day after day – anyone, even the most refractory to positivity, will be able to make visible changes inside and around him . The search for good humour, as Bianchi recounts in his new book available on Amazon, “The magical cures of Dr. Buonumore – daily practices for a good life”, is based on eight pillars: Intimate appreciation, with which the ability to see constantly what is positive in one’s life, focusing one’s attention on what ‘works’; Intimate gratitude which, according to numerous researches, can increase levels of happiness, reduce stress and depression, improve heart and sleep health, and increase resilience; Appreciation and gratitude expressed. In many cultures, including the Western one, we are not so inclined to express gratitude and appreciation to others. Because of this, you can start with someone who is likely to receive this type of exchange by making a list of what you want to express and learning to select appropriate situations and words.”

And again: “Kindness, altruistic queen of good manners, a precious human quality that consists in being thoughtful, understanding and cooperative with others, and has the undoubted advantage of making us even more appreciated; Generosity, considered a fundamental virtue in most part of cultures and societies, it has many positive social and personal effects. When you give to others, you create a positive relationship and increase trust and a sense of belonging to the community. In addition, generosity helps to cultivate a perspective more positive and gratifying in life, as it makes you focus on what a person has to offer rather than on what you would like to achieve; Relativization practices to counteract bad moods when, as an uninvited guest, it falls upon us, helping us to identify the true and only one cause. In most cases we will find ourselves faced with something small, circumscribable and relativizable, which can therefore be faced with one’s own strength, for example by deceiving the mind with other activities”.

Paradigm leap that allows you to see thoughts and events in a completely different way than the state of origin, to take us to a dimension where everything appears to us in the right perspective and more clearly. “Laughter, with the many benefits that this brings to physical and mental health, to the immune system, to circulation, and even to social relationships. Last but not least, it has a positive effect on digestion and reduces stress. Gian Maria Bianchi teaches us a method to achieve goals easily, thanks to exercises and practical examples that we can apply in every area of ​​our life, without any more excuses, and that help us to get out of the negativity stalemate”. “This book is meant to be a small, very practical contribution to exercising the mind on the road to good humour”, comments Bianchi. “You can’t ask a pessimist to become an optimist overnight. What we can suggest is to reflect on the behavior of people who express positivity, optimism and good humor, and to implement exercises that gently direct the mind towards what works. Gradually, good humor will come as a result and will become a permanent habit”.

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