‘We’re letting things go that shouldn’t happen’: Robert de Niro

by time news

2023-07-10 02:44:08

Hailed as one of the best actors of his generation, Robert De Niro continues to enjoy the same level of stardom as he turns 80 (August 17). Having received the Cinemacon Verité award for his extraordinary career, the word ‘retirement’ does not seem to be in his vocabulary: after finishing the shooting of the series ‘Nada’ in Argentina, before the end of the year he will premiere no less than three different films.

From the good humor of the upcoming ‘About Your Father’ and ‘Ezra’, to the Martin Scorsese drama ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’, with Leonardo DiCaprio. And for someone who saw him grow from a big movie screen, he now joins the debate on the war between streaming platforms and movie theaters, at the same time that he lends himself to restoring ‘young’ classics like ‘Raging Bull’ .

In the Internet Movie Database I came to count more than 135 film productions, which bear your name as an actor. In this sense, do you appreciate that people can continue to see your successes from a streaming platform or do you prefer to watch movies in a cinema? “I don’t know if it’s that good to see myself on a big screen… At my age, the older I get, the better I look on postcard-sized screens (laughs). Watching my movies on a watch takes years off my life. But unfortunately, it also diminishes the drama and weakens the sense of humor of a comedy, it ruins the movie experience.

No kidding then… In the war between streaming platforms and the movie theater, do you prefer the cinema? “For me, movies are enjoyed on a big screen with a community experience.”

What is it like recreating real events on film that don’t speak as well of United States history as the indigenous massacre of the 1920s in ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ where your character is the powerful William K. Hale who had to deal with so much see in the deaths in the murders of indigenous people, to keep the oil rights? “Well, I don’t really understand my character, someone who needs charisma to win over people, to betray them later, in his own way. I can only try to interpret his sincerity, even if he betrays them all later.

Can it be compared to any current event? “I suppose that since George Floyd today we are more attentive to systematic racism. And it’s what happened back then, although we never knew it, like the massacres of blacks on Wall Street’… we have to keep our eyes peeled, today, because it continues to happen with the person I don’t want to name, although everyone knows it. we know. He’s stupid. Right now I’m reading a book about the Nazis trying to escape to South America by hiding in Rome. It is fascinating. We have to keep our eyes open because we are letting things happen that shouldn’t happen.”

Martin Scorsese He said that despite having worked together so many times, it is the first time he has directed you and Leonardo DiCaprio together. How were those first talks? “We worked together from the beginning and I also read the original book until Leo DiCaprio told me that we were going to film it in a different way about my character’s relationship with Leo’s, which makes a lot more sense. And I liked the idea. We didn’t want the good guy in the movie to arrive to win… we’ve seen that many times. It is the good part of the FBI and it is valid, but there is much more behind it to tell.

And the new comedy ‘About My Father’? “In ‘About My Father’ I am the father of Sebastián Maniscalo, who also wrote the script for the story. He is a very good writer, a very good actor and a very good son. And that movie also opens in a movie theater.

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Is it true that you also restored the movie ‘Raging Bull’ that you filmed together in 4K with Martin Scorsese? “Yes, yes, in 4K, although it is still in black and white.”

How did you come up with the idea to shoot another Rocky-style true story in black and white, like Raging Bull? “I was filming with Bertolucci in Italy when the author contacted me to read the book. That’s how it all started”.

Is it true that you convinced Martin Scorsese to film it? “It’s true. I couldn’t imagine another director to sign it. We had already worked together on Taxi Driver and another film, until I went to Italy and maybe I did something else… The Sniper”.

And is it true that they would never have filmed Rocky II if they had not filmed Raging Bull? “It’s true, because the same producer had made Rocky and in the studio they were looking for me and the producer to film Rocky II. And we took advantage of the interest to film ‘Raging Bull’ because the producer said he wouldn’t film Rocky II if we didn’t do Raging Bull. And in the study they ended up accepting out of obligation.

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And did he end up winning an Oscar for Best Actor? “Yes, it was one of the best moments of my career, besides having worked so many times with Marty Sorsese.”

What drives you to work with Martin Scorsese again and again? “I feel that each of the film productions that we filmed together were all very special. And we have a very special relationship. A creative relationship that makes me feel very lucky to have had him by my side so many times. We’ve known each other for a long time and because of that, I consider myself a lucky person.”

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