“What a dream Cannes with Nanni Moretti”

by time news

«L’The final examination is double, and concentrated in a month: the first, in two weeks, is the maturity proper, at the artistic high school; the second, in another two weeks, could be what every actress dreams and craves, the examination of the Cannes Film Festival. She is Gea Dall’Orto, Florentine, 18, and between fiction and cinema this could be “her” year. He is in the cast of the awaited latest film by Nanni Moretti, Three floors, together with Margherita Buy, Riccardo Scamarcio and Alba Rohrwacher. The only Italian film competing on the Croisette, which we will then see in theaters on 23 September. Moretti usually brings the entire cast to festivals. She obviously shudders. He hopes so. But with Covid protocols still to be established, it is still not certain. For now he just says: “It would be a dream.” But after a year of pandemic that had taken away many of his dreams, the landscape is about to change: «All my life I have practiced imitating the expressions of people I met on the street. Acting training type. One fine day I started seeing only masks and … oh my, end of training ». He jokes about Gaea, but up to a certain point. Because the pandemic has taken away a special year: two fiction and an arthouse film for a career ready to take off.

It has an original name that recalls the mother earth. And an important surname because his grandfather Italo Dall’Orto is something more than a veteran of the theater, he is a teacher for generations of actors, and its Little Prince many remember him. Gea grew up between two “houses”: the Puccini Theater and the Spazio Alfieri, the family businesses. «Del Puccini I bring inside the smell. It’s one of those memories you can call baggage, “he says. Practically fed on bread and acting from the cradle. «Nonno Italo is my point of reference. Her voice and her stage presence have captivated me ever since she read me stories as a child. The most important tour of my life was with him as director but I don’t remember a single moment when he sat me down to teach me something: I learned a lot, or at least I hope so, like a sponge beside him ».

In Three floors we’ll see Gea in the role of Francesca, daughter of the character played by Riccardo Scamarcio. She has already made herself known alongside Beppe Fiorello in fiction The devil’s watches one of the greatest hits of Raiuno’s last season. The next will be Light of your eyes with Anna Valle, for Canale 5. He has another film coming out, but still undated, alongside Jasmine Trinca: Simple Women. And one behind, presented in Venice before the pandemic: My brother chases dinosaurs.

«They made me dance there The devil’s watches and also in Light of your eyes. I told him that I haven’t been dancing for two years and that my teacher at the Borgo Albizi school always scolded me. Obviously they didn’t understand that I’m not a great dancer – she laughs – And you see that once I finish high school I have to resume dance lessons … ». Her acting model is Natalie Portman. “I would have liked to have had his role in Closer and in the Hotel Chevalier, even if it’s a bit early for nude scenes, “he jokes. But she knows she is beautiful, despite some doubts as a teenager, like that “sometimes I look at other girls and I think I’m too short”. His favorite director is Wes Anderson. And the movie of life is Jules and Jim by Truffaut. It is difficult to ask her to describe herself: “I had a two-minute long existential crisis just thinking about this question.” But he knows what his points are: “Willpower, desire to study, I don’t like being on the water’s edge.” And the weak one: «I don’t throw myself easily, in order to improvise I must first be very prepared».

He hasn’t been able to see yet Three floors, once finished. There were also three years of work. “When I auditioned I was 16, that’s where I decided I was going to be an actress. The care, attention, dedication that Moretti puts into everything, and that pushes you to give back … there is no better school. And the experience of the set is a dream come true: one morning it was like waking up in Night effect of Truffaut when I saw Alba Rohrwacher arriving on the set for the first time directly from Naples, with fairy hair and a pastiera for everyone ». The film is based on the novel of the same name by Eshkol Nevo and the “three floors” are the Freudian metaphor of the soul levels. Her character is «a fresh girl who is experiencing a change in a conscious way». While in real life “unfortunately I’m introverted, I suck at questions, I can’t speak despite being an actress – and here she thinks above all of the imminent maturity – The alternation between school in presence and in dad, combined with set commitments, my existence has upset me ». After high school he thinks of moving to Rome to attend Dams and work in the theater. “After all this, being confined to a square meter of school desk is alienating.” But it’s not just the cinema. That’s all, at his age, that the pandemic took away. “I thought 17 was the age of freedom. Instead came a huge braking. The day of my eighteenth I spent in quarantine because a colleague of mine on the set of Canale 5 had taken Covid ».

June 4, 2021 | 11:40



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