What a holiday today. 7 december

by time news

Every year on December 7, the world celebrates the International Day of Civil Aviation. It was established by the UN General Assembly in 1996. The initiator of the foundation of the holiday was the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This date was chosen due to the fact that on this day in 1944 the Convention on International Civil Aviation was signed in Chicago.

The goal of International Civil Aviation Day is to educate the public about the contribution of civil aviation to the social and economic development of countries, as well as the unique role of ICAO in uniting the efforts of states to create a high-speed global transport network at the service of all mankind. At the moment, ICAO includes 193 states. Russia has been a member of the organization since November 14, 1970.

Every five years, in the anniversary years of the founding of ICAO, the Day is held under a special theme. In the interim periods between anniversaries, the Council determines the theme for four years. Until 2023, the theme of the Day is defined as “Promoting innovations for the global development of aviation”.

The entire aviation system of the world, including the Russian one, in 2020 faced serious economic problems due to the coronavirus, carriers suffered colossal losses. In 2021, the situation will gradually stabilize. In November, Transport Minister Vitaly Savelyev announced that aviation in Russia was recovering from the pandemic. In January-October 2021, Russian airlines carried 94.6 million passengers. This is 59% more than in the same period in 2020. The growth driver of air transportation was the increase in the volume of domestic passenger traffic.

On December 7, specialists of the Aviation Engineering Service (IAS) of the Air Force Command of the Russian Aerospace Forces also celebrate their professional holiday. On this day 105 years ago, in 1916, the aviation technical and operational service was created. Its creation is due to the fact that the military aviation, which participated in the First World War, required constant maintenance.

Nowadays, IAS specialists check equipment that comes to military units from production or after repair, carry out maintenance of aircraft, helicopters and other systems. The service includes both ground personnel and crew members – flight engineers, technicians, radio operators, mechanics. The training of IAS officers is carried out at the N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin in Voronezh.

Help “RG”

In Russia, the Day of the Civil Aviation Worker is celebrated on February 9. On this day in 1923, the Labor and Defense Council of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the organization of the Civil Aviation Council. Since then, this date has been considered the birthday of the Russian air fleet.


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