What a womanizer looks for in a woman: let her know that you are not a second option

by time news

2023-06-09 01:15:04

fall in love with a womanizer It can cause a deep wound in the heart, especially when you are aware that you are not the only one that will be on his mind, there will always be other women that he will haunt with flirt intentions. Discover what does a womanizer look for in a woman: let him know that you are not second choice.

And womanizer manis synonymous with ‘cockroach’ wherever he is seen, he is a person who is not interested in affective responsibility of your partner because they lack empathy. However, some can be so charismatic that even the most empowered women risk falling for them like a ‘fly in jam’.

How is a womanizer man?

spot a womanizer requires you to become the most observant because they don’t always reveal their true personality to the beginning of a relationship. Although yes, when we are in love it is common for us to let some ‘red flags’ pass, for example:

  • He is too confident when he meets a woman
  • Flatters women unreasonably to embarrass them
  • He does not like displays of affection in public spaces
  • Avoid opening his social networks when you are around him
  • Repeats phrases he memorizes to say to you and any girl he’s after
  • Her WhatsApp is full of conversations with other women
  • He likes to groom himself, use lotions to smell delicious and attract women.
  • He usually visits places where he can meet many women
  • When the womanizer has the attention of a woman, he immediately loses interest in her and looks for new conquests.

What a womanizer looks for in a woman: let her know that you are not a second option/ Photo: iStock

And womanizer he will continue to date his girlfriend not because he is interested in getting to know her more, but because one of his goals is to get her into bed, usually the womanizer not looking to start one love relationshipsimply lowers them to a sexual level, causing a emotional pain in those that are interested in that ‘cockroach’.

What is the psychological disorder of a womanizer?

There is no doubt that a womanizer man he feels attractive, interesting, valued, he is egocentric and arrogant, but behind that mask, specialists in the Journal of Sex Marital Therapyexplain that there may be some psychological factors that interfere with their behavior, for example:

  • Emotional insecurity: The constant search for superficial relationships can be a way to compensate for your low self-esteem or emotional insecurity because you seek the approval of other people in new relationships.
  • Difficulty establishing stable ties: Given the difficulty of hooking up with a person, they avoid emotional commitment and seek new conquests in the short term.
  • Fear of commitment: when looking for new partners, you avoid getting emotionally involved with just one person because you are terrified of the idea of ​​a commitment, of the love of a couple, deep down even of feeling loved.

What a womanizer looks for in a woman: let her know that you are not a second option/ Photo: iStock

What does a womanizer man look for?

In addition to looking for ’empty relations’, what a womanizer man looking for a woman it is to have control over the relationship, they do not like dominant women, they look for insecure women, with self-esteem problems, those who think they will not have a chance at love with another man.

On the other hand, a womanizer You could also look for women who are not interested in maintaining a serious relationship or those who already have a commitment because they know that they will not look for something beyond a couple of nights of passion.

Womanizers also look for women who flatter them most of the time, who give them attention and admiration due to a low emotional demand, that is, they do not demand attention, but they do reinforce it in a womanizer because they are the ones who dominate in the relationship. .

What a womanizer looks for in a woman: let her know that you are not a second option/ Photo: iStock

What is the weakness of a womanizer?

One of the main weaknesses of a womanizer is the lack of attention men who date many women They have a very fragile ego, so if you want to teach them a lesson or put their feet on the ground, let them know with these tips that you are not a second option, but really, would you like to be with someone like that?

  • Do not answer their calls or messages
  • Block him from your social networks
  • show sure of yourself
  • Show him how pretty you are
  • Do not take it into account to make plans

now that you know What do womanizers look for in a woman?open your eyes wide and walk away as soon as you identify it, I assure you that they are not worth your peace of mind.

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