What about Planas and what about the PP

by time news

2023-12-04 03:04:08

Luis Planas has on his table the hot potato of the appointment of the person who will take charge of the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Food. A big question is whether the minister is clear about the name in question. Another is whether he will be able to choose whoever he considers appropriate or will it be imposed by La Moncloa or the PSOE, which amounts to the same thing, depending on the political profiles to which the new ministerial teams seem to be oriented. For many agricultural observers, Fernando Miranda, the current Secretary General of Agriculture, is the logical candidate for this position. If this had been so clear, he could have been appointed at the last meeting of the Council of Ministers, something that did not happen. We’ll see what happens this week. We will also see if Planas fights for his candidate, assuming he has one, or he puts himself in profile, as is usual for him and lets, for example, what he calls “the boss”, who is none other than vice Teresa Ribera.

Meanwhile, on the PP side, the waters are not going smoothly. Among the latest appointments that Feijóo has made, for the purposes of agricultural policy and the rural world, Paloma Martín, former advisor with Isabel Díaz Ayuso, stands out, who has now become deputy general secretary of Sustainable Development and will include the areas of environment, energy, housing, agriculture, livestock and fishing. At first, from the point of view of the field, it does not seem like a wise choice because she does not have excessive knowledge on the subject, no matter how much they insist on selling it that way from Genoa. It is now time to see what happens in the coming days in the other organic positions of the party related to strictly agrarian matters and, especially, in the appointment of the spokespersons in the Agriculture Commissions of the Congress and the Senate. In any case, whatever happens, it is necessary that the PP’s agrarian “non-team” stops being Pancho Villa’s army and there is a minimum coordination between the three parliamentary spokespersons (includes the European Parliament), the Agriculture Ministers and the from Genoa Street. We’ll see if they succeed.


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