What are helicopter parents and why do they raise dependent and insecure children?

by time news

2023-06-01 02:35:41

He parental love towards children is one of the greatest, purest and most disinterested, but precisely that affection could become a ‘double-edged sword’ when the fear of see the children suffer, isolating them in a ‘bubble’ to avoid risks. Discover what are helicopter parents and why they raise dependent and insecure children.

What are helicopter parents?

Los helicopter parents they are not those who abandon their children. Quite the opposite! Are overprotective mothers and fathers who ‘fly over’ their children to have absolute control, not with bad intentions, but to prevent something bad from happening to them, the problem is that they do not live their own experiences, describe specialists from the Cleveland Clinic Medical Institute.

In this type of parentingParents focus excessively on their children. They tend to take too much responsibility for their children’s experiences, successes, or failures, especially when entering the stage of adolescence, since they tend to choose their friends or influence the choice of sentimental partners out of fear that they may leave with a broken heart.

What are helicopter parents and why do they raise dependent and insecure children/ Photo: iStock

How does a helicopter father harm his children?

According to an article published by the American Psychological Association, the overprotection of helicopter parents can unconsciously harm children in various ways, for example, they inhibit their children’s abilities to solve their own problems, making them dependent, insecure with low self-esteem.

On the other hand, being used to having everything resolved for them, children can become tantrums and demanding people because they always have everything they want. By living in a hyperprotective bubble the importance of making an effort is unknown, becoming little empathetic or not appreciating what others do for them.

How do I know if I’m a helicopter parent?

And helicopter dad It is characterized by taking much of the responsibility for the tasks that correspond to their children, including the following:

  • They decide for their children in all areas of their lives, be it friends, partners and even jobs.
  • They watch every movement of their children, they try to please them with every detail and immediately
  • They resolve conflicts for their children.
  • They always speak in the plural, have an excessive need to control the lives of their children

What are helicopter parents and why do they raise dependent and insecure children/ Photo: iStock

there are three helicopter parent categories:

  • Combat helicopter parents: live, guide, solve problems for their children.
  • Traffic helicopter parents: they guide their children by marking the path they consider most appropriate, they make decisions for them throughout their lives.
  • Rescue helicopter parents: they get their children out of crisis situations, they live for their children, beyond providing help, rather they are the ones who resolve conflicts for them.

Although helicopter parents often act this way out of love and fear of losing their children, this type of parenting It could interfere in the relationship with children in an adult stage, especially when they feel constantly suffocated both in decision-making and in control of each of their movements.

What are helicopter parents and why do they raise dependent and insecure children/ Photo: iStock

How to avoid being a helicopter parent?

If you feel identified with this type of parenting, there are some actions that could help you avoid being a helicopter parent to promote safety and independence in your little ones.

  • Assign your children chores: learn life skills, it will help your children develop greater independence, you can start with assigning small tasks at home like washing the dishes, making the bed every morning, the point is to make them see that you will not be available all your life.
  • Allow your children to fail: no one likes to lose, but it is part of growing up for decision making, letting your children fail will give them more experience, allow them to work with their emotions and build confidence in the future.
  • Encourage communication: encourage them to communicate their thoughts, feelings, project trust without making them feel like you’re invading their privacy.
  • Encourage the use of a planner: accustom your children to manage their day, give them a routine with schedules, since as they grow up it will help them set their own limits.

now that you know What are helicopter parents and why do they raise dependent and insecure children?apply yourself with these tips to strengthen the skills of your children.

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