What are hereditary cancers? Who is more predisposed to cancer? When to ask for genetic counseling?

by time news

For a long time it was believed that about the 5-10% of individuals was a carrier of mutations associated with hereditary syndromes, i.e. those conditions that confer an increased risk of developing certain cancers. Following recent advances in genetics, it is now believed that this percentage can get up to 17%. Most people who have a close family member (parent, brother or sister, but also grandparents or uncles) who has had a tumor he is not in greater danger than the rest of the population.
We must not forget that genetics are only one of the factors that lead to developing a disease, but it also counts other: lifestyles, environment, specific triggers – he explains Antonio Russo, director of Oncology in Palermo and member of the board of directors of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (Aiom) -. Of course, it is proving to be fundamental in prevention and early diagnosis, but also in the choice of treatments and in discovering family and hereditary diseases.

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