What Are Monkeypox Symptoms, the disease turned out to be the father of Corona, the whole world trembled, WHO declared a health emergency, these 5 symptoms are wreaking havoc – ​monkeypox declared global public health emergency by who know what is monkeypox symptoms and prevention tips in Hindi

by times news cr

2024-08-18 17:30:13
The monkeypox virus primarily affects humans and animals. It belongs to the same family as the smallpox virus, but its symptoms are mild such as fever, chills and body aches. However, in some cases it can prove fatal. According to the CDC, this virus causes symptoms that last only ‘two to four weeks’. It is a fatal disease.

This virus enters the body through broken skin or the respiratory tract. It then spreads through the blood causing the person to experience flu-like symptoms and develop lesions on the skin. Let’s know what monkeypox is, how dangerous it is, how it spreads and what are the ways to avoid it.

What is monkeypox and how is it spread?

The virus spreads through close contact with an infected person or animal. In humans, it can be spread through contact with skin lesions, skin-to-skin contact, and talking or breathing too close to an infected person. It can also be spread through contaminated objects such as surfaces, bedding, clothing, and towels, as the virus enters the body through broken skin, the respiratory tract, or the eyes, nose, and mouth.

can spread from animals to humans

The most important route of transmission is through skin-to-skin contact as the virus remains detectable on skin lesions for about three weeks, rather than through the respiratory tract as most people clear the virus from the throat in seven to ten days. For transmission from humans to animals, the virus usually enters the body through bites, scratches, or contact with lesions of an infected animal.

What is the monkeypox virus?

How deadly is monkeypox?

The disease causes flu-like symptoms and pus-filled lesions. It is usually mild but can be life-threatening. Most people have a “relatively mild illness” where they may have a fever, muscle aches and a rash with “five to 25 lesions”. “Some people become very sick and can develop a more severe illness with hundreds of lesions all over the body.”

Which people are more at risk?

The disease presents mild symptoms for most people, Marks said, but some people are at higher risk of experiencing severe symptoms. “For example, people with untreated HIV (a sexually transmitted disease) or a weakened immune system are still at higher risk for severe illness. Children are also at higher risk for severe illness.

Treatment of Monkeypox

Marks said there is currently no cure for monkeypox but some antiviral drugs are being tested. “However, there is vaccination, which is effective in reducing the risk.

How to Prevent Monkeypox

To prevent this, it is important to practice good hygiene like washing hands, avoid contact with sick people and go to hospital if symptoms appear. If you are in a country where monkeypox vaccines are available, they are also effective for protection.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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