What are obesogens: the chemicals that make us gain weight without eating

by time news

2023-10-02 01:31:16

For those who have struggled with overweight and they continue to do it, they know it is possible “fatten“without eating. It was previously thought to be an excuse, but recent studies suggest it is true, and the because of those kilos Plus it has a name: obesogens. What are they?

Today’s life demands speed; There is no time to prepare healthy foods or exercise. This situation has led to a obesity pandemic which does not seem to distinguish between gender, age or economic level.
Although the factors mentioned above are the main reason for the extra kilos in the population, it turns out that also in our environment there is an element that is not seen but that contributes to weight gain: the obesogens.

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What are obesogens?

Basically, the obesogens are xenobiotics (chemical substances foreign to biological systems, that is, they are not natural) that are found in the environment or in food. Once obesogens enter the body, they cause improper formation of lipid accumulation and adipogenesis, according to a study from University of Vigo in Spain.

In other words, obesogens are also endocrine disruptors, which affect the energy regulatory system, which results in an increase in white adipose tissue (fat mass).
If you want to know where obesogens are found, we invite you to slide the main photo of this note.

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What types of obesity or overweight exist?

You might think that being overweight is simply have extra kilos, but it is a term that covers many types:

Visceral Obesity: It is characterized by the accumulation of fat around the internal organs in the abdominal cavity, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.Subcutaneous Obesity: It involves the accumulation of fat just under the skin in areas such as thighs, hips and buttocks.Morbid obesity: It is an extreme form of obesity with a significant health risk, defined by a high body mass index (BMI).Childhood Obesity: It affects children and adolescents, with long-term effects on health and risk of obesity in adulthood.Genetic Obesity: Some people have a genetic predisposition to gain weight easily.Obesity due to Bad Eating Habits: It results from an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.Secondary Obesity: It can be caused by underlying medical problems or medications.Superimposed Morbid Obesity: It occurs when someone who is morbidly obese develops another form of obesity.

How to avoid obesogens?

You may think it’s impossible to get rid of obesogens, but you can reduce your contact with them. Here we tell you how:

Choose fresh, organic foods.Reduce consumption of processed foods.Avoid plastic containers with BPA.Use natural cleaners.Aerate your home regularly.Read labels and avoid suspicious chemicals.Filter water if necessary.Minimize use of products personal care products with phthalates and parabens. Consult a health professional if you have concerns.

Now Do you know what obesogens are? You will realize that overweight or obesity can have an origin that goes beyond your diet and sedentary lifestyle.

If you want to know where obesogens are found, we suggest you click on the main photo.

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