What are the 3 types of birth control pills: enjoy without worries

by time news

2023-05-11 02:21:33

Los contraceptive methods are one of the best options for avoid pregnancy not wanted. Although there are various family planning methodsthe pills are among the first options among women, therefore, discover what are the 3 types of birth control pills to enjoy your sexuality without worries.

According to an article published by the popular science magazine The Lancet, los contraceptive methods busiest in the world are the condom, the tubal ligation, he use of intrauterine devices or birth control pillsbeing the latter hormonal methods.

When did the contraceptive pill come on the market?

On a day like today May 11, but from 1960, the first anticonceptive pill in the United States, giving women a greater control over their sexualitythen use condoms implied ‘negotiating’ with their partners so that they would use them and, in this way, avoid a unwanted pregnancy.

What are the 3 types of birth control pills/ Photo: iStock

The launch of the anticonceptive pill had a significant impact on society by being seen as a revolution in family planningallowing women to have control over their fertility, for the first time, they had the effective option of avoid pregnancy discreetly to pursue career opportunities.

On the other hand, the anticonceptive pill it also triggered a social debate about the morality and ethics of contraceptionsince it was believed that it affected the traditional values ​​of the family, but finally, it won the defense of the rights of women on their reproductive freedom and today we have a wide variety of birth control pills to choose the best option.

How does the contraceptive pill work?

The anticonceptive pill It is a hormonal method that contains two types of synthetic hormones: estrogen and progesterone, which work together to prevent ovulation decade menstrual period, that is, the process in which the ovary is released each month to move to the uterus and be fertilized.

What are the 3 types of birth control pills/ Photo: iStock

According to specialists from Mayo Clinic Medical Institute, las birth control pills they prevent the ovary from releasing the egg, as long as they are taken properly, preventing an egg from being available to be fertilized by the partner’s sperm.

Although it is effective for avoid unwanted pregnancythe truth is that the birth control pills do not protect women against a sexually transmitted disease (STI), as do the barrier Methods, For example, the condom.

However, some of its disadvantages are that skipping pills reduces their effectiveness, there is an increased risk of developing blood clots in women who smoke. In addition, to suffer from some side effects such as irregular bleeding, abdominal swelling, breast tenderness, depression, weight gain or headaches.

What are the 3 types of birth control pills/ Photo: iStock

What are the types of birth control pills?

So far, there are three types of birth control pills which could be of great help if you plan to use them as prevention methodbut remember that before choosing one, the most important thing is consult with your gynecologist trusted.

Combined pills: they have two synthetic hormones: estrogen and progesterone. They work by inhibiting ovulation to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Most combination pills are taken for 21 days in a row, followed by 7 days of non-hormonal pills. There are also some forms that are taken for 24 days in a row, followed by 4 days of hormone-free pills.

Progestin-only pills: contain only synthetic progestin and no estrogen. They work by thickening cervical mucus and thinning the uterine lining. They are taken every day, at the same time of day, without interruption. Unlike combination pills, there is no hormone-free pill week.

What are the 3 types of birth control pills/ Photo: iStock

Emergency pills: they are birth control pills that avoid us a good scare, they are known as the famous ‘morning after pill’ and are used as contraceptive method emergency treatment after unprotected intercourse or when the contraceptive method used.

They contain a high dose of synthetic hormoness and should be taken as soon as possible after being intimate with your partner without protection. Eye! they are not a regular birth control method and should not be used frequently due to their high dose of hormones, since you could develop side effects undesirables.

Now that you know what the types of birth control pills and how they work, take great care if you don’t want to become a mother yet.

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