What are the advantages and disadvantages of the insulin pump for diabetes? – time.news

by time news
from Joseph Pope

The new systems allow you to organize physical activity, reduce the risk of hypoglycemia, manage extra meals and snacks more easily

I am 45 years old, type 1 diabetic since the age of 25. I practice multi-injection therapy, with four injections a day. Lately my pay has worsened, with a glycate of 11.2%. The diabetologist then suggested that I use the insulin pump. I have many perplexities, because I am afraid of being dependent on a car and I think that the quality of my life could deteriorate (how would I do a game of soccer or, even worse, spend a day at the beach with the insulin pump?). My privacy would also be compromised: how could I hide the disease with that tube in sight? I would like your opinion.

He answers Joseph Popediabetologist, Catania Center for Medicine and Surgery, Association of Diabetes Doctors (GO TO THE FORUM)

Technology applied to health is revolutionizing many fields of medicine. Treatment of type 1 diabetes involves a standard multi-injection therapy with three quick insulin injections with meals and a slow or basal one, which represents that portion secreted by the pancreas continuously. Unfortunately often, and she seems to be a classic example, glycemic compensation in type 1 diabetes worsens over timebecoming more unstable. It makes it very difficult for us to get good compensation with multi-injection therapy. Often, in fact, a basal with different rhythms during the day is required (which is not possible with the intermediate insulin practiced) and still requires rapid insulin dosages that perfectly control the ingested carbohydrates. An insulin pump allows you to mimic the real need in 24 hours (basal insulin scheme) and, through the so-called bolus calculator, to be able to better manage insulin at meals.

Artificial Pancreas

But today we have much more. The integration of a pump with a blood glucose sensor led to the use of real ones artificial pancreaswhere the patient is the only intervention the carbohydrate count. These systems, which then automatically deliver insulin based on glycemic trends, have made it possible to obtain incredible improvements, with the possibility of having a glycate below 7%, in order to avoid the onset of the dreaded chronic complications of the disease. I understand your hesitation about applying a tool you always carry with you, but this will probably allow you greater freedom of disease management: the new systems make it possible to organize physical activity more safely, to reduce the risk of daytime and especially nocturnal hypoglycemia, to be able to allow oneself more easily unplanned meals and snacks.

Patch pump

According to many studies we frequently witness, in the transition to the micro, a an improvement in the quality of life. There are times when the management of the micro can be more complex (for example during the beach holidays or in contact sports), but I am sure that you will be able to find a solution to these problems. Also on the market there are the classic micro with catheter, but also the more discreet patch pump with direct application on the skin, controlled by an external remote control for all functions. Ideally diabetes is a disease that should never be hidden, since the help of family, friends, work colleagues at the right time could be decisive and can only be achieved if everyone is aware of the situation. I understand the complex privacy issue to address when there are health-related devices visible to all. In conclusion, I can advise you, in agreement with your diabetologist, to try one of the available models and directly evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, after an appropriate training period.

June 18, 2022 (change June 18, 2022 | 20:31)

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