What are the countries with the most millionaires in the world in 2024?

by time news

2024-09-17 00:00:00

The most important epidemic of the last century caused a total change in life but also increased the number of millionaires in the world. It is a side effect that is little talked about and is the clearest exposure of the separation who wins with respect to those economic wealth a global level.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 100 million people are in the condition very poor The number has grown since 2020 due to the loss of jobs recorded throughout the world.

Another point to consider is that around Half of the world’s population does not have access to essential health services. Also, another high percentage do not even have drinking water in their homes.

Global wealth inequality

With this in mind, when the poor are getting poorer, so are the poor. the rich because they have more and more money. The paradox is that a handful of families control the majority of the world’s financial resources.

It’s the last time annual reportthe Swiss bank UBS shows the evolution of the global wealth inequality. Today the number of millions in the world continues to increase and is expected to continue in many countries.

Of the 56 countries in the UBS sample, the number of million increase in 52 of them by 2028, although some will be considerably. The most notable exceptions are the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

In this regard, National man Create a graph showing that number millionaires in the world has increased considerably since the beginning of the 21st century. In the year 2000 it was 14.7 million in the world, while today its number is almost 60 million people.

What countries have the most millionaires in the world?

The United States has the largest share of millions: 22 million in 2023, representing 6.6% of the country’s population. Second place goes to China, with 6 million (0.4% of the population), while France completes the podium with 2.9 million (4.2% of its population).

Poverty is decreasing worldwide but very fast

On the other hand, when you compare this number with the fight very poor The number of people living below the global poverty line (currently at $2.15 a day) is slowly dropping.

At the beginning of the century there were 1.7 billion very poor people, compared to almost 700 million today, which represents a reduction of almost 60%.

Who are the highest paid doctors in the world?

Now, within the health field there are some people who have managed to accumulate great fortunes of money. It always is doctor who create their own technology companies, hospital chains or their own patents.

  • Thomas Frist Jr. – $27.4 billion
  • Carl Cook – 11.3 billion dollars
  • Patrick Laipe-Shiong – $10.6 billion
  • Stryker round – $9.45 billion
  • Pat Stryker – $7.61 billion
  • Reinhold Schmieding – 5.74 billion dollars

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#countries #millionaires #world

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