What are the early symptoms of pregnancy? with advice on how to test for pregnancy

by time news

early pregnancy symptoms

Early pregnancy symptoms include breast congestion, abdominal pain, fatigue, bloating, mood swings, loss of appetite or appetite, insomnia or sleeping more than usual, headaches, nightmares, etc. It may not be the same. everyone together

3 days pregnant symptoms

The 3 day period is too difficult to notice that I am pregnant after intercourse. Because sometimes the eggs have just fallen and haven’t been fertilized. Sperm can live in the vagina for up to 5 days, so the most obvious period is 1 week or more after intercourse. So you can observe stomach symptoms.

The vague symptoms of 3 days of pregnancy are anxiety. because it comes from observing yourself frequently therefore causing stress Some people keep to nightmares. Or dreaming ominously that he got a ring, got a necklace, so he thought he was pregnant. and if it is close to menstruation It makes it difficult to differentiate between pregnancy symptoms and premenstrual symptoms (PMS: ​​Premenstrual Syndrome) are very similar. But the symptoms of pregnancy will be longer and continuous, such as breast congestion, feeling tired, sleepy, etc., but the symptoms of pregnant women will last longer, can’t take pills, just alleviate.

1 week pregnant symptoms

  • vaginal discharge more than usual

People who have never had vaginal discharge may find white discharge during this period And there may be blood washing the child’s face attached to the panties. for ease of observation They may wear sanitary pads during the day. Blood on a baby’s face is the blood that comes out through the menstrual cycle. looks like a point Not as many as the first day of menstruation. It’s a sign that it’s fertilized.

Drowsiness during the first weeks of pregnancy will occur after each meal similar to drowsiness after taking antihistamines even if drinking coffee Or exercise, there are still symptoms of lethargy. Self-driving mothers need to be careful of dozing.

  • fatigue

In the early stages of pregnancy, fatigue is coupled with lethargy. fatigue in a languid manner Some people are throughout the pregnancy. which should change the lifestyle eat a variety of foods Choose to exercise, walk, swim, and avoid heavy lifting.

  • The body is swarming, but it’s not a fever.

During the first week of pregnancy, you may feel hot, intermittent flashes, like you’re wearing overly stuffy clothes. but caused by the changing body which is only 1-2 days, it will disappear on its own feel feverish Looks like someone has started to have a fever.

  • mood swings

Pregnant women can have mood swings. Both upset, irritable, worried, sad, the mood goes up and down quickly. If you have negative emotions affecting yourself and your health for more than 2 weeks, you should consult your doctor for a consultation. preliminary diagnosis

2 weeks pregnant symptoms

  • bleeding from the vagina

blood washing baby face Caused by a fertilized egg implanted in the uterine lining. There may be a small amount of bleeding. Dark chocolate If this type of bleeding comes during a non-menstrual period It may be the first clear sign of pregnancy.

  • Breast screening

Women who have been pregnant will feel a tingling sensation in the lactation area and steer the breasts, while women who have never been pregnant will experience tightness around the breasts. This symptom is difficult to notice. Some are during the last trimester of pregnancy. Some women have breast enlargement very quickly. If you don’t change your bra size, you’ll feel uncomfortable.

  • craving more than usual or do not want to eat

Ladies, try to observe yourself if you want to eat more than usual or not. Everything you see looks delicious. or some vice versa don’t want to eat anything

  • weight up or down

Many young women have a constant weight. If it goes up, it doesn’t go down. If it goes down, it takes longer to go up. But for most pregnant women, they gain weight because they need to eat more as the baby grows. In the early stages of pregnancy, if you don’t have morning sickness, you can eat a lot. noticeable weight gain

Pregnancy symptoms 1 month to 3 months

Pregnant women have a sensitive nose. Even if it is a familiar scent in everyday life But if you are pregnant, you will feel different, such as the smell of perfume that you used to use, the smell of soap. Some people are allergic to the smell of the husband who uses For men products.

  • dizziness

During this time, when the mother sits up, she may faint quickly, dizzy and dizzy because the blood is flowing well. Therefore, it should sit up gently. Do not overdo it.

  • thirsty

The body of the future mother needs water to replenish the cells. therefore will feel more thirsty Some people want to drink sugary water all the time, so be careful with sugar.

  • frequent urination pain

Symptoms of frequent urination in the stomach Part of it comes from the body that has changed. and drinking a lot of water should not hold urine and should not refrain from drinking water so that the body can create a balance at full efficiency

  • Constipation, flatulence

Increased progesterone affects the digestive system. and the expanding uterus presses against the colon Makes mothers have wind in the stomach, abdominal pain, difficult to digest, can be alleviated by foods that are high in fiber. and fruits with vitamin C plus having to drink a lot of water

pregnancy test method

Using a pregnancy test to determine pregnancy Buy a pregnancy test from a store. general pharmacy The packaging is not damaged or expired.

used to check in the morning by urinating a little before Strain the remaining urine with the included cup. There are methods as follows.

1. Prepare the bathroom area.
2. Read the pregnancy test label. that is the type of examination, i.e. immersion, pen type, and pass urine
3. When dipped in urine Leave the pregnancy test on for the amount of time written on the label and read the results.
4. If it goes up 2 lines faintly, it means you are pregnant. but should be re-examined Use the new probe or other brands to confirm
5. If there are 2 lines clearly, it is quite sure that you are pregnant.
6. If there is only one tick means not pregnant But if the line doesn’t go up to the letter C, change the checkpoint to a new one.

Pregnancy after a pregnancy test Most doctors will give antenatal care at 8-10 weeks or more. But moms can go to the doctor to get vitamins. and advice for taking care of yourself first Some hospitals offer antenatal care packages. Should be paid during 12 weeks or more. This is a period that is quite certain that the child is safe.

However, it is important to keep a journal of your menstrual days in order to best differentiate between the periods of pregnancy. You should keep a journal to count the days of ovulation. and recorded as health information for use in monitoring and treating other women’s diseases that is not a pregnancy symptom

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