What are the five jobs of the future?

by time news

2023-06-28 13:48:57

The digitizationthe automation and the artificial intelligence (IA) threaten millions of jobs around the world, but also promise to create new opportunities.

Based on a survey of 803 large companies that work in all regions, the Economic Forum Mundial concluded that, strictly speaking, in the next five years more jobs could be created than lost.

Below is a selection of five of the ten with the greatest growth potential, according to research by the BBCin order of increasing demand.

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5. Digital transformation specialist. Update a company’s existing technologies, incorporate new ones, train workers and collaborate in the transition to different work models adapted to the new tools.

4. Robotics Engineer. It helps create systems for human and non-human tasks. Design prototypes, build, maintain and repair the machines. Its applications range from improving surgeries in hospitals to space exploration, through the optimization of processes in car factories.

3. Information security analyst. Protects networks, systems, databases and sensitive business or customer information from cyberattacks, including passwords and credit card numbers. For that, it designs, adapts and monitors defense systems.

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2. Environmental sustainability specialist. Manage projects to reduce polluting emissions, reduce energy consumption or participate in the development of environmental policies in investment plans. It requires skills to collect and analyze data, identify problems and propose useful solutions.

1. AI Specialist. It seeks computers to simulate human thinking, answer questions, and solve complex problems. The system must be able to operate as an independent intelligence, capable of analyzing various data sets and drawing its own conclusions. The Forum report suggests that three out of four companies surveyed will adopt AI in the near future.


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