What are the hidden threats of autonomous vehicles?

by time news

2023-12-27 18:51:01

Robotaxis fleets in Austin, Texas, have recently chosen to pause, underscoring the need to restore trust after a mass robotaxis stoppage on a major thoroughfare due to a street signage issue. This fleet of autonomous vehicles also has a tendency to group together and cause traffic jams on the streets of several American cities.

This circumstance illustrates the growing complexities faced by fleets of autonomous vehicles, a phenomenon that is not limited to the United States, but is expanding through cities in Europe and Asia.

What initially seemed like a trivial inconvenience reveals a deeper problem. As fleets of autonomous vehicles multiply, new challenges arise, both from unintentional errors and the latent threat of premeditated attacks.

In this panorama, the cybersecurity company ESET understands that cybersecurity is emerging as a critical concern. “The attractive prospect for cybercriminals of manipulating autonomous vehicles presents intriguing scenarios, from extortion based on travel histories to remote control of vehicles, known as drivesomware,” says Josep Albors, director of research and awareness at ESET Spain.

The risks linked to autonomous vehicles go beyond the digital world. From blocking emergency services to extorting entire fleets, cyberspace is projected into the physical world in unimaginable ways.

“If there is anything that has been learned in decades of computer security, it is that any technology that is successful will attract people who seek to benefit from it, both legally and illegally,” Albors declares. In this sense, autonomous vehicles can be a great attraction in the world of cybercrime. Aside from the more well-known criminal activities that occur entirely in cyberspace, such as account theft targeting consumers and ransomware targeting businesses, having vehicles at play in the physical world also offers some interesting opportunities for attackers.

The potential security threat from autonomous vehicles spans a variety of tactics, from extorting customers based on their travel history to kidnapping passengers. Additionally, the ability to remotely take control of vehicles, known as “drivesomware,” poses significant risks, including blocking moving vehicles and the threat of erasing local data or overwriting firmware.

On the other hand, the idea of ​​​​theft of vehicles is raised, either in their entirety or by stripping them of parts, as well as sending vehicles to specific locations to cause traffic jams, affecting everything from congested intersections to public transportation terminals. These tactics could provide cover for organized criminal activity, such as flash mob robberies or the transportation of illegal goods. Cybercriminals could also disable safety features in autonomous vehicles, causing potential accidents to manipulate business actions.

ESET reminds that robotaxis are not the only vehicles susceptible to possible attacks. There are more and more private vehicles on the road with autonomous driving capabilities and remote locking/anti-theft features that could be activated. Although not maliciously, in October 2023, an electric vehicle in Scotland lost control, evidencing the dependence on computer systems.

Additionally, the company warns that autonomous commercial trucks raise concerns as they could be stopped and looted, block transit points, or be used as battering rams to access restricted areas. The threat extends to more accessible GPS signal jamming techniques, which could manipulate and direct vehicles at an attacker’s will.

Despite potential concerns, adopting new technologies always comes with challenges, and increased awareness could attract tech experts to strengthen digital defenses and prevent unwanted cinematic scenarios. “Although autonomous vehicles promise a safer future on the roads, it will only be achieved if fleet manufacturers and operators address cybersecurity as one of their main priorities,” notes Josep Albors. Thus, autonomous vehicle engineering must focus on safeguarding lives and ensuring a safe transition to the autonomous revolution.

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