What are the ‘magic drops’ SARM, drugs used for doping with serious side effects

by time news

This Wednesday, the Civil Guard has dismantled a trafficking network of the so-called SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) that operated in Spain through a website. These are substances that are advertised as an alternative to steroids and that are used in certain contexts (mainly the world of sports and bodybuilding) to gain muscle, despite the fact that their distribution and sale is not authorized in Spain for this purpose. .

What are SARMs

SARMs are drugs currently under study to treat muscle wasting, which can both be a result of many conditions and a factor in their worsening. However, it should be noted that most of the studies in this regard have not even passed phase I of the clinical studies, according to the virtual school of Physical Exercise Sciences G-SE.

Similar to steroids, SARMs sensitize androgen receptors (elements of the cell that are activated in the presence of certain types of male sex hormones called androgens) in a way that increases the effect of these hormones. Unlike the former, however, its effect works for certain androgens and certain specific receptors; hence the surname ‘selective’.

This last point is important, since androgens have effects on many different systems of the organism (such as reproductive, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular…) which explains the various side effects that SARMs may have.

serious side effects

For example, these drugs can produce effects such as hypertension, skin rashes, headaches, liver toxicity, erectile dysfunction and vision problems.

Also, while this has not been proven to happen specifically with the use of SARMs, it is known that androgen receptor signaling It can contribute to the development of various types of cancer.

To consider that a sperm is of good quality, it must meet minimum values ​​in terms of concentration, mobility, morphology and vitality.

Along with all this, it must be taken into account that the products that are sold illegal way via the internet (often in dropper format, hence the name ‘magic drops’) have added risks due to the lack of controls. In many cases, these drugs may contain concentrations of the active ingredient that are different from those specified on the labels, or may contain other harmful substances.

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