What are the main challenges of Medicine in Mexico?

by time news

2023-11-29 00:30:45

One of the oldest and most admired professions in history is Medicine. Over the years, it has evolved with technological and scientific advances, although it is clear that, despite these transformations, human quality is always necessary to care for a patient.

Although medical technology can enhance and complement the work of a doctor, it can never replace the connection and care that a healthcare professional provides. In Mexico, the medical career presents certain challenges and drawbacks that must be taken into account. We list them below.

High demand for medical students

Above all, the first great challenge faced by those who wish to study Medicine in Mexico is the high student demand. For example, in recent years, the career of Surgeon at UNAM has been the most requested in recent years.

Work stress

On the path of medical students, another of the most significant obstacles is the high level of work stress associated with the profession. From the training stages, students face academic demands and a considerable workload, something that can overwhelm them.

Low salaries in Medicine

A recurring complaint among doctors is the disparity between years of study and salaries offered in the country. Many come to consider that the economic remuneration does not correspond to the effort and dedication who invest in their work.

Few places in the public sector

Every year, thousands of doctors graduate from the country’s medical schools, but few obtain a position in the public sector. This causes many professionals to consider work options in the private sector or even undertake and open their own business. own officesomething that poses other difficulties and challenges.

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