What are the next steps that will “brake” the spread of the virus in Elassona

by time news

How aggressive is his virus plague in goats and sheepthis can be seen from what was announced by the Minister of Rural Development, Ministry officials yesterday, but also the Regional Governor of Thessaly at the press conference in Larissa.

In just 10 days when it was proven that the disease crossed the borders of the country, we have confirmed 8 cases in Trikala law and one in Domeniko Elassonas. In other words, 2407 animals “won” by the disease have already been killed and buried, and the contagiousness of the virus is more than 80% in the herds it infects!

Because the spread of the virus moved to another area and indeed Elassona, it alerted the authorities again. Now they have to face a big gamble. Nlest the virus spread and be eradicated from the country because it puts the country’s livestock sector at great risk, ie. but also the great export potential of the slice a product with 65% of its production available outside Greece.

The plan to eradicate the virus

The authorities have already started the controls by defining two areas of three and 10 kilometers where 110,000 animals are subject to control in the Larissa regional unit. Since yesterday, the veterinary cooperation has been receiving samples from units in the two named zones. The narrow belt of 3 km there are about 60 units corresponding to 13,500 animals. For this important project which will be completed in a week, 100 additional vets will help from the next one. The samples taken one day will be examined and announced the next day so that the spread can be stopped step by step.

An important parameter in all this planning is to follow it faithfully and strictly and mainly from the breeders and if they see symptoms in an animal in their herd they should report it immediately to the authorities.

The ultimate goal is to eradicate the virus from the country.

What are they examining in relation to the entry of the disease into the country?

On the second level, the authorities are examining how the plague entered the country, despite the strict checks that exist at our borders. The Regional Governor of Thessaly Dimitris Kouretas revealed only a few days ago during that regional council the infected animals came from Turkey and they reached the law Trikala . Rural Development Minister Costas Tsiaras himself did not rule out the possibility that the disputed animals came from a third country outside the EU. but before any announcements are made, the authorities want to be sure and have proof of how contaminated these animals went to Greece.

We remind you that the plague is not transmitted to humans and the derivatives from the animal, ie milk and meat can be eaten after heat treatment.

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