What are the nutrients needed for proper hormonal health?

by time news

All women, sooner or later, experience the arrival of menopause. This is a stage characterized by a great barrage of hormonal changes that cause the woman to stop having her period, either gradually or immediately. The sudden drop in estrogen and progesterone cause a series of common symptoms at this stage, such as hot flashes, increased body temperature, insomnia, hair loss, vaginal dryness, weight gain, and emotional discomfort, among others and the Nutrients are essential to counteract them.

That is why maintaining a good diet at this stage can help treat and improve all these symptoms, as long as you meet energy requirements and some nutrients, something very important at this time in the life cycle of women. Here we tell you what are those nutrients that cannot be missing in your diet during menopause.

Calcium and Vitamin D, two essential nutrients in menopause

Once menopause arrives, there is a greater chance of developing osteoporosis. These nutrients help maintain calcium in the bones. It is interesting to consume dairy products enriched in vitamins A and D that help fix that calcium.


They are compounds similar to human estrogens that are present in some plant foods. Its consumption can help combat all the symptoms of this stage. We can find them in legumes (mainly in fermented soybeans), integrated cereals, nuts, seeds, some fruits and also vegetables.

Protein foods, other essential nutrients

Include daily sources of quality protein to maintain muscle mass. They can come from animal sources (such as shellfish, meat, eggs, and fish) or plant sources (such as legumes, whole grains, or nuts).

And you, what are the nutrients that you have incorporated into your diet during menopause and have you noticed their benefits on your health?

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