What are the phases of the moon and how was the moon formed?

by time news

What are the different phases of the moon and what is the reason for the difference in the appearance of the moon in various forms, the moon is the closest space body to the earth, and the main function of the moon, which has a direct impact on the earth, is to conduct tides by reflecting the sun’s rays at night, and we will talk about the different phases of the moon in this the topic. and their names.

What are the different phases of the moon

The phases of the moon are the different forms that the moon takes. It has been observed throughout the Arab moon that it takes many forms that can be clearly seen from the earth.

The phases of the moon reach 8 phases in which the shapes of the moon change as follows:

  1. The first stage is the investigator, in this stage due to the inability to see the moon, and the difficulty of vision at this stage lies in the fact that the moon decreases at night and appears during the day.
  2. From the second phase of the moon, a crescent develops, in which a small part of the moon can be seen, in this phase, the crescent appears after sunset.
  3. The first quarter stage is the third stage of the month and it is noted that this stage occurs a week after the newcomer.
  4. A growing humpback phase in which large parts of the moon appear.
  5. The full moon phase is the phase that follows the phase of increasing hump, and the most characteristic of this phase is that all parts of the moon appear in full brightness.
  6. After the full moon develops, the humpback phase is observed when the moon begins to decline and the moon appears to be missing.
  7. The final quadruple phase is the phase following the waning hump phase, during which the brightness of the moon continues to decrease and decrease.
  8. The waning crescent phase is the last phase of the moon when the moon is not visible to the naked eye and can only be seen with a telescope.

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What is the moon and how did it arise?

The Moon is one of the closest space objects to the Earth, as it constantly revolves around the Earth due to the various gravitational forces and its proximity to the Earth. and history.

And if we talk about the origin of the moon, we find that the moon’s soil is very similar to the rocks of the earth, and in the context of these studies, the moon was 3500 million years ago and as a result of the earth’s collision with a relatively large planet, because this collision led to the disintegration of large parts of the earth that were formed later and joined to form . opened. moon

Studies have shown that the moon consists of a group of basalt rocks similar in composition to the basalts of the Earth, and the moon consists of many high and low regions, and the moon has many huge holes and inert volcanoes.

The moon does not have an atmosphere like the Earth, and as a result we see that the moon descends on many meteors and meteors until it reaches its surface, and the absence of the moon’s atmosphere leads to a great contrast between the day and night temperatures, as it is observed that the temperature of the moon approaches at night. 130°C, daytime sunlight and 110°C sun temperature.

moon formation

There are a lot of rocks consisting of mineral elements such as calcium, aluminum, magnesium and iron in the moon. It has been observed. Several different compounds such as pyroxene, aluminum wire.

Another type of rock called albrecia is also found on the surface of the moon, and these rocks are characterized by dirt, sharp-angled rock fragments as well as compacted rock fragments.

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lunar cycle

The moon’s orbit is characterized as elliptical and the moon revolves around the earth, and its speed is about 3700 kilometers per hour, while the moon revolves in the same orbit around the earth and the sun and completes a year every 365 and quarter days. Some changes may occur on the moon, such as the sun, moon, and solar eclipses.

The moon ranks fifth among the moons of the solar system in terms of size, the distance between the moon and the earth is about 384,400 km, the diameter of the moon is about 1,737 km, the moon has no atmosphere, and there are many highs, lows and hills. iron.

There is no life on the moon because research conducted on parts of the soil has proven that the moon lacks life and no plant or animal fossils have been found.

As a result of the success of landing space objects on Earth and reaching the surface of the moon, there are some suggestions that the surface of the moon contains some water carried by meteorites that reach the moon, and that when this water is exposed to the surface of the moon, it flies to the basic components, which are hydrogen and oxygen, and some of it is present. also. Assumptions that some water is held under the soil.

Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse

Common terms related to the moon include lunar eclipses and lunar eclipses, a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth lies between the sun and the moon, and as a result, the Earth blocks most of the sun’s rays, so the moon appears at night, reflecting a small amount of sunlight. This phase occurs during the full moon phase.

As for the phenomenon of eclipses, it occurs when the moon is between the sun and the earth, and as a result, the moon blocks the sun’s rays coming from the earth, and this phenomenon occurs when the moon is in the crescent phase.

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Use the fortune of the month in the future

The moon is rich in important mineral resources, as its surface contains large amounts of iron, silica and pyroxene used in many industries, and therefore the moon is a target for the future exploitation of wealth, and the moon allows astronomers to study space more clearly by looking at the negative impact of the Earth’s atmosphere. admits. It is taken into account that such studies are some studies to establish the rules by which scientists are accepted to study the moon’s surface during periods that may last for months, and that such rules will be built under the moon’s surface to protect it from harmful cosmic rays.

Some research shows that the moon could be used as a large space station from which to launch space flights into space, and it could also be used as fuel stations for spacecraft that would allow astronauts to reach farther in space.

The universe contains many mysteries, secrets, and distances, many of which are still uncertain about the capabilities of the human mind. In this article, we have explained the different phases of the moon and the characteristics of each development within them, as well as while dealing with future discoveries on the moon, the moon, its components and its soil. We have also given abundant information and secrets about the properties of rocks.

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