what are the right strategies? – time.news

by time news
Of Andrea Ghiselli

The advice: take advantage of gluttony and culinary skills to prepare palatable foods in modest quantities, being satisfied more by quality than quantity

I’m 62, I’m 163cm tall and weigh 70kg. I have an appetite and I am a gourmet, besides I love to cook. I walk 80 minutes a day. I know very well that to lose weight you have to eat less and move more. The problem is that I am hungry and I am containing myself, because I would eat even more. In my case the fat deposited mainly on the abdomen. Can you advise me on some strategies to fight hunger and finally be able to lose weight?

He answers Andrea Ghisellipresident of the Italian Society of Food Sciences (GO TO THE FORUM)

We live in an environment obesogeno (in which there is an incessant supply of food) which ensures that half of the population is overweight and, at my age (she is still a long way off), two out of three men are overweight. How then? Resist (giving in) to temptations. It sounds like a paradox, but it’s not. Paying constant attention to portions and frequency of consumption is not only impossible, but inhumane (if the temptation did not exist both in terms of nutrition and sex we would have been extinct for a long time). for equally inhumane not to resist constantly. Let the conscience struggle with temptation what we have to do and this means eating everything responsibly. I too am a good fork, indeed I am greedy, and I also like to cook. You try to harness gluttony and culinary skills to prepare palatable foods to eat, for in modest quantitiesbeing satisfied more by quality than quantity.

Delicious but satisfying dishes

One of the mechanisms of one’s satiety sensory satisfaction. Be careful though, because behind the scenes there is temptation: since it is good I eat a lot. Here, you try to make reason and feeling fight each other, letting reason allow you to satisfy the feeling without exaggerating. He can help himself in this by preparing greedy but satisfying dishes, rich in water and fiber (therefore typically vegetables and legumes in quantity). Beware of one thing: you are in a complex age. Her ovaries, after years of honorable service, have retired and are leaving her heart, bone and muscle unprotected. Of her The of her slight excess weight, by doing strange diets, there is the risk of doing worse rather than better. His bone, without the work of estrogen, is the organ most at risk, but also the muscle, if not exercised, is likely to suffer. So in addition to walking (excellent activity, but not enough), do strength exercises. They are for muscle and bone.

Fast walking and tennis

You consume most of your calories in the first half of the day, leaving less space for dinner and going to sleep early to be able to secure the necessary 8 hours. If he can (without overdoing it) try to do even short periods during his walk, di very fast walking or runningbut I repeat, without breath and if you can organize with friends or friends for some more intense physical activity or even sports, such as he tennis for example. In company you do it more willingly and with a little healthy competition you can move more. I repeat, always with extreme moderation and attention, but it is worth removing some of that abdominal fat which in the long run threatens to undermine his health. Look out for any calories you can save, such as sugary and alcoholic drinks or candy. I am not saying to give up chocolate or biscuits, but to reduce the opportunities for consumption.

March 12, 2022 (change March 12, 2022 | 15:23)

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