What are the risks of bichectomy?

by time news

2024-09-12 18:00:43

Among the cosmetic surgeries that have gained popularity in recent years, bichectomy stands out. It has the ability to transform a round face into a more fashionable one. However, it is not without risks.

Last update: September 12, 2024

More and more people are looking for ways to correct and sculpt their face. In large part, because they aim to have features similar to those that are obviously popular.

Yes Bichectomy is shown as one of the beauty surgeries with the greatest growth and demand. The procedure, which involves removing Bichat’s balls, is the secret behind celebrities’ high cheekbones and smooth cheeks.

To clear up Abalo, we talk with them Dr. Mar Gonzalvezaesthetic doctor and maxillofacial surgeon in facial harmony. The specialist tells us all the details about bichectomy, tells us who will benefit from it and what the risks are.

What is a bichectomy procedure?

Surgeon Mar Gonzálvez explains that Bichat balls are collections of fat that we all have in the deep part of the cheeks.. They are the size of a walnut and come from birth.

Its function is specific when we are infants. Being in that position prevents pressure from the breast from hitting our cheeks when we breastfeed.

“The size and composition of this fat is constant throughout life -expert information-. “It is independent of what our face looks like and whether we gain or lose weight.”.

Bichectomy, after all, is a surgical procedure to remove Bichat’s balls. According to Mar Gonzálvez, the first thing he did was “Access to the pocket of deep fat, between the facial muscles”. Then, “very carefully, we isolate and remove”finished the doctor.

By removing the Bichat balls, the cheekbones become more marked and the cheeks become defined. It’s something you can see in many celebrities who get surgery.

The process to extract them is quick; takes between 30 and 60 minutes. It is done under local anesthesia with a small incision in the mouth, so it does not show scars externally.

What is the result?

The result that can be achieved with bichectomy is reduce the volume of the cheeks. Above all, more noticeable are those people who have very round eyes, which will achieve a more defined facial expression.

The goal is a traditional look, highlighting the cheeks and jaw.

However, as the expert emphasized, not everyone will benefit from surgery. In some cases, it can even lead to aging or bone formation if not done with proper care. It is important that patients know how to distinguish whether they are suitable candidates or not.

By the way, Dr. Gonzálvez reminds us that he promotes the beauty of silence. It is about respecting the integrity of the facial anatomy to enhance the appearance in an elegant way. Therefore, although the influence of celebrities has increased the popularity of bichectomy, facial harmony specialist emphasizes the importance of final analysis of each patient to ensure the importance of the eyes.

A few numbers

Dr. Mar Gonzálvez (photo) warned that, “Although some types of eyes can benefit from bichectomy, there are cases in which it will not be the most appropriate option, so other treatments will be recommended.”.

How is the recovery?

Bichectomy is not a painful interventionbut recovery can be annoying. Specifically, because it is an area that tends to become inflamed and tends to wound.

When compared, the surgeon told us that the following days “They are very similar to those of the post-employment period for existing wisdom teeth”. And additionally: “For a few days we may have hamster eyes, but these discomforts are usually very manageable with common analgesics and anti-drugs”.

For the best recovery, the expert recommends the following:

  • Follow a soft diet.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Get some sleep the first few days.
  • Avoid vigorous physical activities for one week.

After a few days after discharge, you can return to normal lifeonce the heat and discomfort disappear. The remaining scar is small and is inside the mouth, so it is invisible.

Does bichectomy have risks?

Like any surgery, Bichectomy also carries certain risks. “Although they are very rare”Dr. Mar Gonzálvez said.

One of the risks is that the eye movement is temporarily changed. This can happen because there are muscles that are close to those muscles between which the Bichat balls are located.

To reduce the risks, The safest thing is to follow the advice and treatments indicated by the doctor. But before that, “for surgeons it is important to assess whether the patient is a good candidate – explain expertly-pass, rational, always operate under safe conditions”.

Extra caution should be taken with those patients who have an eye structure that may seem uncomfortable with the removal of Bichat balls. This is the case of people who already have thin faces or prominent cheeks, the surgeon explains. The result may be excess bone or an aged appearance.

And we used to see before and after of celebrities in photos. But they are clearly wearing makeup, with instructions like contouringwhich shows more cheeks and cheeks. Essentials let us know that makeup sculpts and defines features, exaggerating them. The actual results on the round faces are usually more subtle.

The fashion of marked faces is not suitable for everyone

The fact that rumors about actors and celebrities who have had a bichectomy makes many famous and asking for the surgery, said Dr. Mar Gonzálvez. “The influence of social networks and culture on faces with more marked features also contribute”he added.

However, it is important that patients understand that the important thing for the surgeon is to do a full analysis of each eye. The purpose will be to propose appropriate treatments to enhance the beauty of each person.without changing its arguments, experts advise.

“This means that, while some face types may benefit from bichectomy, in other cases it will not be the most appropriate option.”finished the doctor. The key will be the assurance of an approach adapted to the characteristics, expectations and needs of the patient.

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