What are the sources of energy savings for German homes?

by time news

The Hamburg weekly The time gives pride of place to infographics. This, taken from a larger one published in the August 25 edition, highlights all the small daily gestures that a German household can make to save money, in a world where energy is less plentiful and increasingly expensive.

We see that there is not a huge margin for improvement, however, taken together, these changes in habits can have an impact of several hundred euros on the annual bill.

Another avenue considered: the replacement of old household appliances. Thanks to strict regulations, recently designed and produced equipment consumes significantly less than its predecessors. “[C’]is often profitable [d’en changer] before the end of their useful life, more for a refrigerator than for a vacuum cleaner”, note The time. In Germany, households account for 29% of total energy consumption, ahead of industry (28%), transport (28%) and trade, crafts and services (15%).

Find the links to the sources of this infographic on this page.

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