What are the symptoms that warn of a heart attack?

by time news

The novelist and journalist Fernando Sánchez Dragó has died this Monday at the age of 86 at his residence in Castilfrío de la Sierra (Soria), as his family has announced to the EFE agency. As they have indicated, the cause of death was a heart attack.

What is a heart attack?

A heart attack, also known as a heart attack, is a serious health problem that occurs when reduces blood flow that reaches the heart, usually caused by blockage of the coronary arteries, for example, by cholesterol.

This is indicated by the Mayo Clinic, where they explain that the symptoms of myocardial infarction can vary from person to person and, sometimes, the symptoms are very mild or, there are even people who do not present any symptoms before said heart attack occurs.

What are your symptoms?

In case they occur noticeable symptomswhich may vary depending on the patient, the most common are the following:

  • Chest pain, which may feel like pressure, squeezing, aching, or a squeezing or aching sensation.
  • Pain or discomfort that spreads to the shoulder, arm, back, neck, jaw, teeth, or sometimes to the upper abdomen.
  • Cold sweat
  • Fatigue
  • Heartburn or indigestion
  • Sudden lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath

From the Clinic of the University of Navarra they also indicate other symptoms that appear abruptlysuch as feeling generally unwell, dizziness and sweating, as well as heart palpitations, anxiety or lightheadedness.

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It must be taken into account that, in the case of women, heart attacks can present earlier symptoms that are atypical, such as a shooting or brief pain in the neck, arm, or back. Sometimes the first symptom of a heart attack is sudden cardiac arrest.

On the other hand, you have to know that, although some heart attacks occur suddenly and without previous symptoms, there are others that do reveal the signs for hours, days or weeks before. This is the case of chest pain that persists, which can be an early warning sign.

Equally, months before having the heart attack The patient may present a feeling of malaise, tiredness and greater irritability, among other things, as well as stomach upsets, which make the symptoms of a heart attack confuse with other diseases.

Man holding his hand to his chest as a sign of pain.

In many cases, a heart attack occurs in people who have associated risk factorsamong which is smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, age, family predisposition or changes in blood fat (cholesterol).

If you feel any of these symptoms or suspect that a heart attack is about to occur, what you have to do is call 911 immediatelysince mortality in the extra-hospital phase, that is, before entering the hospital, exceeds 40%.

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