What attracts the cottony mealybug: destroy it without chemicals that will wilt your plants

by time news

2023-11-23 01:34:04

The cottony mealybug It is one of the worst pests you can have at home, because it is capable of wither your plants, since it adheres to the stems to feed on them until they dry out. If when watering them you notice that they have small white dots on their leaves, act in time and kill them without chemicals that affect your plants.

This type of pest can seriously weaken plants, because it feeds on their sap, contributing to a poor growth, yellowing leaves and including the plant death if the infestation has spread to the entire plant. Hence the importance of preventing cottony mealybug multiply in your pots, as it can spread quickly.

Photo: iStock

What is the cottony mealybug?

The cottony mealybug, whose scientific name is Planococcus citri It is a common pest that affects a wide variety of ornamental plants, as well as crops. In accordance with information from an article published by the Journal of Insect Science, belongs to the family Pseudococcidae and its name comes from the waxy, cottony substance that covers its body.

Although it is a small insect, the truth is that it can cause great damage when feeding on them. For example, the constant extraction of nutrients can cause weakening of plantsmaking them look neglected.

Furthermore, one of the most common symptoms of infestation of cottony mealybug It is the yellowing of the leaves. This is due to the loss of nutrients caused by insect feeding.

As the infestation of this pest progresses, the leaves may begin to drop prematurely. If you notice that the leaves of your plants look ‘drooping or drooping’, it is best to look for traces of cottony mealybug before they wither and you can no longer do anything to save them.

Photo: iStock

What attracts cottony mealybugs to plants?

You may think that this pest attacks plants for no apparent reason, but the conditions of its environment could favor its proliferation. Pay attention and discover what attracts cottony mealybug to plantsprevent it from taking over your crops.

Climatic conditions: hot and dry climatic conditions can favor the reproduction of the cottony mealybug. These insects usually thrive in temperate and warm climates, where lack of humidity is not a limiting factor for their development. Plant stress: Stressed plants, whether due to lack of watering, nutrient deficiency or other adverse conditions, are more susceptible to pests, including cottony mealybug. Stress weakens the resistance of plants and makes them more prone to infestations. Movement of infested plants: the introduction of plants infected with cottony mealybug in a garden or crop it can be a source of infestation. It is important to carefully inspect plants before introducing them to a new environment to prevent the spread of pests. Excessive fertilizers: Excessive nitrogen fertilization and overwatering can create an environment conducive to cottony mealybug. These practices can stimulate excessive plant growth, which in turn provides more food for insects.

Photo: iStock

What to do if my plant has cottony mealybug?

Before you panic, if you plant has cottony mealybug, it is important that you separate it from other nearby plants to prevent them from becoming infested. You can manually remove mealybugs with a soft tissue or cotton swab soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Be careful to remove each of the insects, as they can hide in cracks and corners of the pot.

On the other hand, you can use natural treatments such as a mixture of water and insecticidal soap or neem oil to spray the plant; These products will help control the cottony mealybug.

This is how easily you can get rid of one of the biggest terrors of plants. Follow these tips if you want your plants to stay strong and beautiful.

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If you are interested in knowing how to clean plant leaves To make them look beautiful, stay and watch the following video.

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