What can protests against right-wing extremists achieve?

by time news

In Germany last weekend, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets against right-wing extremism. Estimates even range from one to one and a half million. Some of the rallies even had to be stopped due to overcrowding. This Friday, the wave of protests is also coming to Austria – so far to Vienna, Salzburg and Innsbruck. The NGOs “Fridays for Future”, “Black Voices Austria” and the Platform for a Humane Asylum Policy called for the action planned as a “Sea of ​​Lights” in Vienna under the motto “Defend Democracy”. It starts at 6 p.m. in front of Parliament.

were the trigger for the demos Revelations from the research network “Correctiv” to a secret meeting on November 25, 2023 in Potsdam, at which politicians from the right-wing AfD, individual members of the CDU and right-wing radicals discussed the expulsion and resettlement plans of millions of people (unworded: “remigration”) with a migrant background from Germany. The crude idea: according to the ideas of the right-wing conspirators, asylum seekers, foreigners with the right to remain and “unassimilated citizens” should leave the country. Also there: the Austrian right-wing extremist and former head of the Identitarian Movement Martin Sellner – who was allowed to present his relocation fantasies at the right-wing meeting.

Ask co-organizer Noomi Anyanwu, spokeswoman for the “Black Voices” initiative, which developed from the “Black Lives Matter” movement and initiated the anti-racist referendum in 2022.

In Germany, hundreds of thousands took to the streets. Like here at a demonstration against right-wing extremism in Berlin

Ms. Anyanwu, the slogan of the demonstration is “Defending Democracy.” Can a party like the FPÖ be excluded from a democratic process of forming a government if it becomes the force with the highest vote in the election?


Our aim is not to exclude parties from forming a government, as long as they adhere to the values ​​of our society and the laws. If that is not the case, one can discuss whether it would be damaging to democracy if a party that is thinking about deportation plans and pursuing racist policies were to come into government.

Would you have liked the FPÖ to differentiate itself from the “remigration” plans?


I don’t think that the FPÖ would distance itself because I believe that that is also their belief and wish that the same thing happens in Austria. The fact that such plans came to light shocked, but not surprised, me. Maybe that’s why it took longer for a protest to form in Austria. I see this as a dangerous trend when people get used to right-wing politics becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Some of your co-initiators of the demonstration would be affected by so-called “remigration”. How does that feel?


Extremely scary – even for me as an Austrian and Viennese. You don’t feel welcome in your own country where you were born and raised. The tendencies have been around for a long time, but it’s frightening to see these fantasies in black and white. It’s all the more encouraging to see how many people are just as shocked and show that this is not the Austria we stand for.

Noomi Anyanwu

Noomi Anyanwu

Noomi Anyanwu: “Ein Demo alliance that cuts across society.”

Looking to Germany: Could a silent majority be awakened here?


When tens of thousands take to the streets, people from a wide variety of social backgrounds, professions and origins stand up and say: Enough! We also notice this among the supporters of the demo alliance, which cuts across society.

What can civil society do against right-wing extremism?


You can do a lot more than you think. It is important not to forget that many political processes were started by civil society. This happens because people raise their voices, because they take to the streets and write letters to politicians, because they organize local events and discuss things with family and friends.

With how many participants would the demonstration in Vienna be a success?


It is already a success that there is widespread discussion and there is a broad headwind against right-wing ideas. I’m assuming there will be ten thousand people at the demo – but I have to say that it’s difficult to say in advance. At the Black Lives Matter demonstration in 2020, we thought a few hundred people would come – and then there were 50,000 people there.

How sustainable can such a protest be?


This is an important question because interest in the public and in the media can die down very quickly. And sometimes a demo is just a trend for people because everyone goes along with it. It is all the more important that there are organizations that point out issues, even if there are no leaks of deportation plans. The point is that we must always stand up for the fact that democracy must be defended and coexistence must be secured.

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