What causes dizziness? We share 10 causes

by time news

If you have come this far, it is most likely because you or a loved one have experienced dizziness, a condition that can be caused by different reasons. Before exposing them, it is important to understand what is dizziness to know how to identify it and differentiate it from other ailments.

What is dizziness?

The Spanish medical dictionary Top Doctors define al dizziness like a feeling of languor in the head, as if it turns repeatedly when making certain movements such as bending over or getting up. It is a sensation that can be confused with vertigo and motion sickness. In severe cases, this sensation can lead to falls or fainting.

What are the symptoms of dizziness?

He symptoms of dizziness they range from nausea and ringing in the mildest cases, to vomiting, balance or coordination problems, hearing loss, cold sweats, paleness and dizziness in the most severe cases. Experts point out that the duration and occurrence of these episodes is key to determining the possible causes of dizziness.

What causes dizziness?

Although the causes of dizziness can vary, here we leave you 10 reasons why you have this condition. Remember that dizziness is an alert sign that you must attend to.

  1. dehydration: Staying in the sun for a long time, exercising without hydration or not drinking enough water during daily activities may be one of the causes of this condition. To avoid this, try to drink enough fluids throughout the day.
  2. Vertigo: Los dizziness They can be a consequence of the vertigo that is usually generated by an ear infection or when the balance in the inner ear is disturbed.
  3. Cerebrovascular accident: Los dizziness They are usually also symptoms of more serious diseases, so if, in addition to these, you have weakness on one side of the body, severe headache or loss of speech, you should seek immediate care because you could have a cardiovascular accident.
  4. Secondary effect: Some drugs may have adverse reactions or side effects, one of them may be the dizziness. If you present this adverse symptom with the intake of any medication, see your doctor.
  5. Hypoglycemia: Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is another possible cause of this discomfort. It occurs more often in people with diabetes.
  6. Anemia: Due to a lack of iron in the blood, people with anemia often experience this condition.
  7. Meniere’s disease: There is a correlation between the dizziness and diseases of the ears; in this case, Meniere’s disease usually produces them, in addition to producing ringing and pain in the ears.
  8. Migraine: The people who present migraineoften also present dizziness and intolerance to light, among other conditions.
  9. Low blood pressure: When there is a drop in pressure, this condition usually occurs. The causes can be endocrine, heart problems or dehydration.
  10. Neurological problems: Some neurological conditions are accompanied by this symptom, Parkinson’s disease and cerebellar ataxia are some of them.

You may also be interested in: Vertigo is caused by an ear infection

If you experience this discomfort frequently, it is recommended that you go to a medical check-up and remember not to change positions abruptly.

Remember that one of the causes of dizziness is associated with low blood pressure, so here is a guide on what you should do if you notice that your blood pressure has dropped.


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