What Causes Lipomas: When Can They Become Cancerous?

by time news

2023-05-04 01:18:57

The appearance of a ball in the body It can alarm anyone, especially if it does not disappear as the days go by, on the contrary, it increases in size. When it doesn’t hurt, we tend to be alarmed because the cancer doesn’t cause discomfort, but if it moves, it’s a lump of fat! Discover what causes lipomaswhen can it become cancerous?

And lipoma light as a small lump pea-like, growing just under the skin. According to specialists from Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD), it is about fatty tissue that moves easily when touched, they are usually lumpy, but they do not feel hard and measure up to about 7.5 centimeters. CLICK on the MAIN IMAGE of this note and discover what causes lipomas

is’fat pellets‘ They appear virtually anywhere on the body, but are most common on the back, trunk, arms, shoulders, and neck. They are so common that 1 in 1,000 people develop lipomaswhich tend to be more frequent in people between 40 and 60 years of age.

What causes lipomas: when can they become cancerous?/ Photo: iStock

What is inside a lipoma?

within a lipoma hay fat cells or adipocytes that gather en masse, in some cases, the lipomas may contain muscle cells, nerve cells or connective tissue, that is to say, that it connects with others to provide support to different structures of the body, but it will always be in less quantity than the others. fat cells.

Los lipomas son benign tumorsbut since they do not cause discomfort they can be confused with signs of cancer, but it is important to know that you arefat pellets‘ They cannot become malignant, nor can they cause cancer. Tumors made up of fat cells are called liposarcomas, the difference is that these are hard and do not move to the touch.

What disease causes lipomas in the body?

There are some disorders that can favor the appearance of lipomas in the body, one of them is the multiple symmetric lipomatosis (LSM), better known as the Madelung’s diseasewhich is characterized by the development of multiple lipomas o ‘fat pellets‘ especially in the neck, shoulders or upper trunk of the body, describes the National Institutes of Health.

What causes lipomas: when can they become cancerous?/ Photo: iStock

Although lipomas do not usually cause health problemsit is best to see your doctor if you identify the appearance of a bulk in any part of the body, since it remembers that there is a type of cancer that can be confused with these fat lumpsThe problem is that if you don’t attend to it in time, the specialist could diagnose it at an advanced stage.

SLIDE the COVER IMAGE and discover what causes lipomas and how you can remove them if they cause discomfort. Take care of yourself!

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If you are interested in learning more about the ‘lumps’ that can appear in the body, stay and watch the following video.

#Lipomas #Cancerous

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