What celebrities have lost a child?

by time news

Coping with the death of a loved one is never an easy task, the grieving process is somewhat complicated, however it is something very human, so much so that even show business characters have to go through these processes. Next we present you which celebrities have lost a child.

Whether by accident, by nature or even by biological reasons, the causes can be varied but the result will be the same, a feeling of emptiness that accompanies the loss.

The Mayo Clinic specialized site describes that, although in many cases the duel can be overcome satisfactorily, there are other cases in which the duel persists for a long time. This is called “complicated grief” or “persistent complex grief disorder.”

And although the causes of death of the celebrities that we show you in the gallery are different, it is a fact that each of these celebrities went through, is going through or is about to go through a process of mourning for the deaths of their children.

What celebrities have lost a child? / Photo: Getty Images

What are the stages of grief?

The American Cancer Society writes that the stages of grief can vary, meaning some people may experience all stages, some may not, and some people may experience stages longer than others. The stages of grief are:

  • Denial and isolation: This stage may present feelings of fear, lethargy, or emotional shock. You can even feel pangs of anguish.
  • Anger: Feelings of frustration or anxiety, anger, loneliness and uncertainty begin to appear. It can last days and even months. There is a feeling of weakness.
  • Negotiation: Sometimes this stage lasts less, but it is when the bereaved person begins to search for meaning or meaning in the loss of a loved one. They can start connecting with people who have been through something similar to find support.
  • Depression: The person may feel overwhelmed or unprotected. At this stage people can become withdrawn, very sad and even show aggressive behavior.
  • Acceptance: Finally, during the final stage of mourning, feelings of resignation are accompanied, during this stage, the grieving person accepts their routine adapted to the absence of the loved one.

In the end, the grieving experience is unique and depends on the person who is suffering and the bond they had with the deceased person or loved one.

What celebrities have lost a child? / Photo: Getty Images

How long does mourning for the death of a child last?

As mentioned, the duration and intensity of the mourning experiences depend completely on the person who is experiencing it, in the case of mourning for the death of a child the same rule also applies, it will depend a lot on the circumstance in which the death occurred. loss and the bond between parents and children.

According to specialists, mourning can take a long time to fully experience, it can last from a few weeks to months and even years. In the cases of celebrities who have lost a child his recovery time has also been varied.

What celebrities have lost a child? / Photo: Getty Images

How do you tell a mother when she loses her son?

Although there is still no official word to refer to a mother who loses her child, the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language mentions that the word “Huérfila” or “Huérfilo” is being proposed to refer to people who have gone through this unfortunate event.

However, the RAE clarifies that it would be a “neologism”, that is, a new word that arises to name something necessary.

To knowWhich celebrities have lost a child? We invite you to take a look at the gallery where we tell you everything and we also share a video about the “Anticipated Mourning” so that you learn more about the subject and know how to live it or approach someone who is going through the loss of a being correctly. darling.

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