what changes (already) in 2023

by time news

“This year will be the year of a pension reform which aims to ensure the balance of our system”, confirmed the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron, on December 31, 2022 during his wishes to the French. After the failure of the universal pension system, the executive hopes, in 2023, to carry out its new project, centered, this time, on the decline in the legal age of departure.

With a tight schedule, since it aims to implement the new rules as soon as ” the end of summer “. The main lines of this controversial reform must be delivered on January 10, thirteen days before the presentation of a bill in the Council of Ministers. While waiting to discover the arbitrations of the government, a series of more classic measures concerning pensions and coming into force from the beginning of 2023 or in the months to come have, as every year, already been recorded.

+ 0.8% for basic pensions

Barely 1%, precisely 0.8%: this is the revaluation applied to basic pensions in January. Ditto for the solidarity allowance for the elderly (ASPA), the former minimum old age; its maximum amount for a single person is raised to 961.08 euros per month.

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This small 0.8% is explained by the fact that an anticipated increase of 4% was granted in the summer of 2022 – the rate of 1is January was calculated net of this. Only the basic pensions of lawyers are not affected by this 0.8%, they increase by 5%.

Revaluation of certain supplements

As for supplementary pensions for employees (Agirc-Arrco), it is the 1is November that they need to be reviewed. On the other hand, many other supplementary schemes are changing their pensions from the beginning of the year (the rates are not yet all known).

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This is the case for merchants and craftsmen, who see their complementary increase by 4.8%. Among the liberals, the rate is for example 5.3% at the Interprofessional Provident Fund and Old Age Insurance (Cipav) and 2% among lawyers.

At the Pharmacists’ Old-Age Insurance Fund (CAVP), it is 4.6% for the part operating on a pay-as-you-go basis. For the part by capitalization, it is more complex: the annual revaluation is equivalent, for each pensioner, to the difference between the performance voted, 3.5% in 2023, and the technical interest rate used to the liquidation of the pension. .

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At Ircantec, for non-tenured civil servants, the increase amounts to 0.8% (after an anticipated revaluation of 4% in July). The additional public service pension (the RAFP, for civil servants) is raised by 5.7%.

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