What did Ali Karimli write about Jamil Hasanli’s new book?

by time news

2023-07-18 07:16:33

Jamil Hasanli’s memoir “The Test of Time” is a book as an event. In this book, teacher Jamil wrote the memories of his life for about half a century. But how did he write? He not only wrote, but also photographed and even filmed his experiences.

Approximately one third of the book is the memories of teacher Jamil’s childhood and student years. This part of his memoirs was worked on by Mr. Jamil with great artistic skill. He not only wrote his personal memories, but also presented the era. Mr. Jamil presented the period of Soviet Azerbaijan from the 60s of the last century until the beginning of the National Liberation Movement in 1988 with great artistic skill. He described the people he personally knew and the processes he witnessed with such high artistic taste that as you read the book, a very important period of the history of Azerbaijan within the Soviet Union comes alive before your eyes like a movie.

Jamil Hasanli is a world-class historian. Now his works are studied in the most advanced universities of the world. However, it is clear from his memories that Mr. Jamil was very close to literature and artistic creativity. When I finished reading the book, I was completely convinced: if for some reason Jamil had chosen artistic creativity instead of history, then he would have become a great writer who would leave a bright mark in our literary history. In some parts of the memoirs, the images and events are described with such great skill, such generalizations are made that the reader thinks that he is reading a beautiful novel instead of a memoir.

In the period after the beginning of the People’s Movement, which I tentatively call the 2nd part of the book, we see that the writer Jamil Hasanli was replaced by the historian Jamil Hasanli.

Jamil Hasanli’s book “The Test of Time” is an invaluable historical resource for the years 1988-2010, which is an important stage of our recent history. No, Jamil Hasanli wrote these years not as a historical scientific work, but as a memoir. However, teacher Jamil wrote down the historical events and processes in which he was a participant so accurately and in detail, and referred to so many historical sources that the reader reads this part of his memoirs as a valuable historical work.

The struggle for national independence in Azerbaijan, the formalization of Armenia’s territorial claim to Azerbaijan, the Karabakh conflict, January 20, the anti-Azerbaijani activities of the Soviet Union leadership, the emergence and rise to power of the People’s Front, the struggle of Abulfaz Elchibey from the period of dissidence to the presidency, the period of power of Elchibey’s government, the overthrow of Elchibey’s power through an uprising, Heydar Aliyev’s rise to power through an uprising and the formation of family rule in Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev’s inheritance of power from his father It is a great chance for all of us to read the most important pages of our history from the pen of the most distinguished historian of our country.

I have known teacher Jamil since I was a student at the university. I have always wanted more of our countrymen to recognize this great personality of our modern times. When I say to know, I don’t mean to know from afar. Of course, our people know Jamil Hasanli, who was the single presidential candidate of the country’s democratic forces in the 2013 presidential elections and received the votes of the majority of our people. However, only those who know him closely know that Mr. Jamil is not only a world-class historian and scientist, a public and political figure with a principled political position, but also a very honest, frank, sincere, humorous, caring and generous person. Those who read Jamil Hasanli’s memoirs will have read not only the half-century history of our country, but also the rich inner world of Professor Jamil Hasanli. Don’t miss this opportunity.

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