What do the economists of the Frente de Todos say about the rise in the dollar?

by time news

2023-04-20 16:53:40

Contrasting with the silence of the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massawho despite being active in networks highlighting management achievements, did not refer to the rise of the dollar nor to the very high inflation of March, which marked 7.7 according to INDEC statistics, doubling that projected by Tigrense in December, several economic leaders from Frente de Todos gave their opinions on the exchange “corridita” that pushed up the price of the US currency. up to 420 pesos and more.

“The explanation for the increase in the dollar is that the policies that apply do not place us on any reasonable path. It is working as a containment framework, it is lucky to allow investors to place pesos at formidable rates and then move to dollars,” he said. Claudio Lozanoformer Director of Banco Nación during the current administration and National Leader of Unidad Popular.

“If you suddenly come across a lack of reserves in the Central Bank and at the same time electoral rumors that the opposition is not going to respect the internal debt and that he is going to redraw itplus the issue of dollarization, result in a growing trend for those who have pesos to switch to dollars,” continued the economist in dialogue with El Disparador (Delta 90.3).

“We are transiting on a delicate ledge. There are sectors of the opposition that say that it is better than this blows up the government, feeding and proposing exchange rate unification or dollarization strategies. The bomb was planted a while ago with Macri and from there this government had the responsibility of having allowed that bomb to gradually explode on the Argentines,” added Lozano, who openly charged against the Minister of Economy.

That the bomb explodes does not depend on Sergio Massa leaving the ministry. Massa did nothing but guarantee the agreement with the fund and deepen its compliance to the letter and continues to place us on a path that has nothing to do with what the government of all had committed to at some point. They placed someone who had a good relationship with investors, large business groups and the United States at the head of the ministry. That much result does not give “, he concluded.

Carlos Heller.

While, Carlos Heller, president of the Budget and Finance Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, minimized the impact of the rumors spread by the head of advisors to Alberto Fernández, Antonio “Tony” Aracre, in the impact of the price of the dollar. “An adviser like Antonio Aracre has a relative value. He has no executive functions and probably gives opinions, visualizes that they do not listen to him and resigns,” he downplayed the former CEO of Syngenta.

“This inflation is a producer of the distributive bid and speculation supported by uncertainty. The bid is because there is a growing economy, a bigger cake and to see what part of the cake each sector of society gets. Speculation because it serves to the distributive bid. It is not true that there is a phenomenon of emission that justifies inflation. Lowering spending is attractive, but in reality it is adjusting in Argentina,” said the banker in an interview with the same radio outlet.

Felisa Miceli

The rise of the dollar is explained by the lack of reserves. It is something that we have been repeating for 3 and a half years. One of the problems is the lack of consolidation of international reserves in the Central Bank. The central bank is in a precarious situation in terms of reserves and the expectation is of devaluation, with which there are exchange pressures. And these devaluation expectations affect prices”, added his vision Felisa Miceliformer Minister of Economy of the Nation during the presidency of Néstor Kirchner.

“The Central Bank ain’t got no backs to resist selling dollars. Nobody understands the importance of reserves in the inflation issue. I bet that there is the ability to put an urgent handbrake because there is a bit of a lack of control. There is no scope for this to continue this way. Sergio Massa made great efforts but did not touch the heart of the currency outflows that have to do with capital account regulations,” Miceli warned in dialogue with Maxi Sardi in El Disparador.


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