What do the parties propose for the environment?

by time news

2023-08-02 13:29:43

The environmental agenda does not stop activating alarms inside and outside Argentina, where eleven days after the PASOit is opportune to explore the definitions and proposals for the “common home” that arise from the five forces platforms heavier nationals.

Union for the Fatherland

Among the few definitions that the pro-government front dedicates to the issue, mention is made of the need to implement a comprehensive policy of access to land and of promote the transformation of the petrochemical industry.

Some critical issues reveal the tensions that have accompanied the movement since its arrival at the Casa Rosada, two decades ago.

The Grabois plan on the distribution of land that Alberto Fernández praised

The proposal to “promote a historic jump in the value of exports 2024-2028” seems inextricably linked to the commodities. The objective is to “accompany the development of the sustainable mining” and “develop and implement innovation technologies and policies to transform livestock production”.

Together for Change

Faithful to its script, the opposition alliance assures that it will remove “the weight of the State on those who produce”, advancing in reforms that turn Argentina into a exporting country that offers the world what it needs: “food, minerals, energy and talent”.

Mining activity, a particularly sensitive issue for the governor of Jujuy, Gerardo MoralesHoracio Rodríguez Larreta’s vice-presidential candidate, will be held “transparently, with high environmental standards and social benefits.”

Technological development and logistics, the two keys to solve for the mining sector in order to grow

This pretension of balance is also declaimed in the objective of promote “the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons”although the development of renewable sources will be promoted “with the same interest”.

To address the consequences of global warming“a long-term climate strategy to reduce emissions will be managed, promoting the flow of local and international financing” in projects for the restoration, preservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Freedom Advances

It is not surprising that his proposal contemplates remove all holds, since “we have to go back to being the agricultural power that we stopped being.” An eventual government of Javier Miley will repeal the Land Law “so that any person, national or foreign” has free access to its sale.

Boiling Era: three episodes that reactivate the alarms

Perhaps to minimize the impact of these proposals, libertarians say they promote an agriculture that contemplates the soil sustainability (including agroecology) and, in a curious coincidence with the ruling party, “take care of our maritime heritage and prevent its indiscriminate and illegal use”.

Another point in common with the Government, but also with the opposition, is the support for nuclear powersince it is proposed to deepen the investigation to develop generators for local and foreign use.

Although it also says it is in favor of “promoting new sources of renewable and clean energy (solar, wind, green hydrogen)”, the party ensures that will encourage investments in oil, gas and lithium, always focused on the arrival of foreign currency. There are no comments on climate change, according to Milei, “another of the lies of socialism.”

The World Bank gave a “green” loan to invest in lithium

left front

And of socialism in question, the country’s main alternative invites, in line with its historical claims, to throw out the large mining multinationals, nationalizing the activity without compensation, as well as “great agricultural and industrial capital”, which would imply expropriating the in half planting and the cereal, oil, dairy and refrigerator monopolies.

Other highlights of the program are the rejection of fracking in the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons, and the clearing banaerial spraying with pesticides and “pig mega-farms that destroy the environment, health and generate pandemics”.

Perhaps the only coincidence with its competitors is the defense of the “protection of the marine environment against fishing looting”.

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We do for our country

The front that postulates Juan Schiaretti to the presidency is the one that dedicates the most space to the subject. His project of “a productive federalism” intends to combine “harmoniously” caring for the environment with production and employment.

In addition to agreeing on the need to revalue the role of the Argentine sea and increase exports from the field, Vaca Muerta gas and northern lithium.

Schiaretti: “My greatest affinity of thought is with radicalism”

We mention topics that your competitors omit, such as the protection of the Guaraní Aquifer“a progressive horizon of independence” from traditional energy sources, eliminate single-use plastics and bring deforestation to zero in net terms by 2030.


#parties #propose #environment

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