What do you see tonight: Oh yes, where did that Malaysian plane really disappear at the end?

by time news

You know that part where you suddenly remember in the middle of the street that you didn’t find those sunglasses you were looking for a few weeks ago? So the same, only with a Malaysian plane. what is this part In 2014, when Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared from the radar in an instant with all 239 people on board, the whole world was talking about it, and rightly so. But the years passed, and not much new was discovered. Not why the flight disappeared, not what became of the subjects, not even what they served, chicken or fish. Now a Netflix documentary series wants to tidy things up a bit, and maybe also remind you where you left your sunglasses.

“MH370: The Lost Plane” is a three-part series that, in the tradition of Netflix, turns a disaster into a fascinating drama. During its three episodes, the series unfolds the story of the missing flight, talking to experts, family members of the victims and Malaysian government officials, in an attempt to understand what the hell happened, and what has been discovered since then – and it turns out that quite a bit was discovered, but much more was hidden.

During the three episodes, the series actually presents three theses – one in each episode – about the reason for the disappearance of the plane, with at the end of each episode there is a reconstruction of the possible scenario. Although there is no unequivocal determination – hey, if the authorities didn’t succeed, why would Netflix? – The series definitely points to the more realistic theory for its taste, but still shows the cracks in it, and the lies told by the authorities that imply that there might have been something bigger like a kidnapping, or even a secret operation by the US government. What is certain is that even 9 years after , it’s still intriguing to God.

“MH370: The Lost Plane”, now on Netflix

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