What do you see tonight: You don’t see tonight. Tonight, playing trivia on Netflix

by time news

We really have no idea how long this thing has been there – an hour? two days? a month? Six months? – but in our Netflix wanderings today we came across Triviaverse. At first glance we thought it was a joke. Definately not. This is a game, although not particularly complex or long, and probably won’t keep you busy all evening either, but it will completely diversify the experience of another evening in which you sit in front of the Netflix menu, assuming you read fast enough in English to deal with what Netflix is ​​going to throw at you.

It is, as you can guess, a quick trivia game (a total of three rounds, each one minute) in which American questions are answered. Sound simple? Yes, that’s exactly the beauty. That, and the fact that it’s right there on Netflix, and watches with clicks on the remote, and also the fact that we really like trivia, and also the fact that it’s really starting to get interesting what else Netflix is ​​going to do in this area, With their slow expansion towards games of all kinds.

As anyone who has ever played a trivia game in their life knows, it rises and falls on the questions. Well, we’re happy to say that the questions here are really successful, and although there will be things that will be quite foreign to the average Israeli viewer/player (no, we don’t know what score you can’t get for a move in football. We don’t even know what the rules are in football), Netflix is ​​a company with a perception Very international, so most of the questions are ones that you can completely deal with. There is also an excellent mix of high culture, popular culture, science, history and some logic questions – there is a good chance that in the same round you will have to demonstrate knowledge of both Taylor Swift and Mahatma Gandhi. And of course there is also a mode for two players.

Triviaverse, now on Netflix

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