What does eating one gram of cinnamon a day do in a diabetic? • Al Marsad newspaper

by time news

Research has shown that cinnamon can help improve blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity.

What does one gram of cinnamon do?

Diabetes.co.uk cited a study published in its July 2000 issue, which found that eating “just one gram of cinnamon per day can increase insulin sensitivity and help manage or reverse type 2 diabetes”.

The health site also cites a clinical study published in the Diabetes Care Journal in 2003, which suggests that cinnamon bark improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes, and may reduce risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

A daily dose of just 1, 3, or 6 grams was shown to reduce blood glucose, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), bad cholesterol and total cholesterol after 40 days among 60 middle-aged diabetics. the age.

A recent analysis showed that 6g of cinnamon slows gastric emptying and significantly reduces post-meal hyperglycemia without affecting satiety.

As a result of the available scientific evidence, many health experts assert that cinnamon contains beneficial properties for regulating blood sugar and treating type 2 diabetes, according to the Express website.

Additional benefits of cinnamon

Besides regulating blood glucose and lowering cholesterol, cinnamon has been shown to:

It has an anticoagulant effect on the blood

Pain relief in arthritis patients

– Strengthens the body’s immune system

Stop drug-resistant yeast infection

– Helps relieve indigestion

Inhibits the proliferation of cancerous cells of leukemia and lymphoma

Preserves food by inhibiting bacterial growth and food spoilage

A great source of vital nutrients, including calcium, fiber, manganese and iron

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