What does it say and where can you consult it?

by time news

2024-01-12 00:00:41

Knowledge is important for any professional but it is not everything. It is also important that there is exemplary behavior inside and outside of work.
With this in mind, a document of great relevance is the Ethical Code of the Psychologist. It contains the pillars that must prevail within this area and which can also be applied to doctors.

What is the objective of psychology?

It is one of the oldest fields that exist. The psychology It is dedicated to the study and analysis of the behavior and mental processes of individuals and human groups. For this reason, active listening is one of the fundamental characteristics that those interested in this profession must meet.

Who was the first psychologist in history?

Although the origins date back to Ancient Greece, German Wilhelm Wundt is considered the father of modern psychology. In his case he studied Medicine at the University of Heidelberg and graduated in 1857.

Is a psychologist a doctor?

The definitive answer is no. It all starts from the fact that the Bachelor of Psychology It is not taught within the Faculties of Medicine but rather they are two different careers. Although the truth is that both focus on the mental health but from different perspectives.

In that sense, there is a specialty that focuses entirely on mental health although its route is quite extensive. First, it is mandatory to complete the 7 years of the Medicine degree, then you must pass the National Examination for Aspirants to Medical Residencies (ENARM) and then study the specialty of Psychiatry which lasts four years.

What does the Psychologist’s Code of Ethics say?

Returning to the central topic, the Mexican Society of Psychology developed the Ethical Code of the Psychologist. Its objective is to define and establish how the behavior of all psychologists in our country should be. The document is quite extensive but is based on 14 points.

Competence and honesty Quality of psychological assessment and/or evaluation Quality of teaching/supervision and research Confidentiality of results Basic principles of ethical research Maintenance of privacy Coercion Informed consent Informed consent in the case of children Confidentiality Protection from harm Sharing results Communication Distribution of benefits

Within all the elements mentioned there are several that are also necessary for doctors. The confidentiality It is one of the most important because in no way can detailed information about patients be disseminated nor can their names be revealed without their authorization. Otherwise there are legal consequences because a crime is committed.

Relatedly, there is the informed consent. In short, it is the process of providing patients with important information, such as the possible risks and benefits of a medical procedure or treatment, a genetic test, or a clinical trial.

Finally, if you want to consult the complete content of the Psychologist’s Code of Ethics you can do it in following link.

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