What Does It Take to Be a Lawyer?

by time news

Knowing the laws that govern society is always the best thing a good citizen can do, but if you want to go beyond this knowledge and want to make a living from it, a Law Degree may be the best option for you. If you haven’t fully considered it or it was already in your plans, then UNILA shares everything you need to be a lawyer. Take note!

The lawyer is in charge of offering legal and defense advice to the parties involved in legal processes or administrative procedures. Through a defense strategy, the Law graduate represents the rights and interests of his client before other people, private entities and public bodies.

He is a professional with extensive knowledge of the law, which is why he is able to inform his clients in the clearest way about their rights and obligations. Therefore, at the end of his degree he can work as a legal adviser or practicing law in the courts, as well as in the public and private sectors.

If you want to know more about it, UNILA recommends you read the article ????​????​ «What is the importance of law in society?«

During the degree, lessons are given on legislation and the functioning of justice to have a normative knowledge of each nation and society, and one learns to develop oratory and dialectics, as well as the ability to write and interpret legal texts.

????​ What do you need to have to enter this degree?

  • Thought and critical attitude of the political-social context of Mexico and the world.
  • I like reading and writing texts with different themes in different media.
  • Ease of speech (oral and written).
  • Proactive attitude to generate changes and propose creative and innovative projects.
  • Ability to collaborate in a team

Professionals in this career must not only have knowledge of Economics, History, Philosophy and Sociology, but they must also have or develop some qualities to perform in the career.

The basic training subjects that help cover the profile of Law graduates are: Tax Law, History of Law, Theory of Law, Civil Law, Roman Law, Administrative Law, Civil Procedural Law, Forensic Oratory, Family Law, among others. Plus, they help develop the skills needed to be a lawyer. Get to know them more thoroughly!

Click here to know the study plan of the Law Degree

????​ What does it take to be a lawyer? Simple, a good Law Graduate:

  1. Defend your client’s position with good arguments and well-planned strategies

If you know how to present your ideas well and give good arguments, you are already one step ahead. A good lawyer enjoys having conversations with people who have a point of view different from his, he knows how to understand the information he receives and take it up again to present ideas that guarantee a favorable ruling.

  1. He has the gift to convince

Any lawyer with the necessary preparation will have the facility to convince any piece of evidence into a solid argument.

  1. know how to negotiate

Before falling into very cumbersome procedures, a good lawyer knows how to intercede in the interests of both parties to prevent any process from taking longer than it should.

  1. You know how to handle your emotions

Appearing in court is a very difficult job, lawyers must deal with stress, as they are exposed to arguments, even threats. This requires being emotionally strong to know how to handle the situation and prevent it from affecting your primary life.

  1. Is organized

This profession requires being a very organized person because, thus, procedures can be done in less time and have everything under control on the established dates.

  1. He has various techniques for public speaking.

In addition to having good arguments, seriousness, firmness and character, you should not be aggressive or violent to prove any point. Your tone of voice, eye contact, and gestures will reinforce any good argument.

Do you have what it takes to be a lawyer?

If you are interested in studying this degree, UNILA invites you to learn more about this academic program, where you will be prepared to obtain the necessary tools to solve any legal-social problem with the responsibility and social ethics that is required to function. as a lawyer.

Upon graduating from the Law degree you will be prepared for:

  • Litigate in different matters of Law
  • Provide advice to law firms, companies and financial institutions
  • Arrange and negotiate discrepancies in the corporate sphere
  • Defining defense or prosecution strategies

If you are not yet a UNILA student, what are you waiting for to be part of a student community full of successes?! To achieve this, you can visit our various campuses to request information or contact us through our website so that you can find out in detail the study plans for your new professional degree. Click here to meet one of the best high schools and private universities in Mexico.

Sources consulted:

  1. https://www.unila.edu.mx/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/LIC-DERECHO-UNAM.pdf
  2. https://www.unila.edu.mx/importancia-del-derecho-en-la-sociedad/
  3. https://www.mastermania.com/noticias_masters/que-necesito-estudiar-para-ser-abogado-org-5637.html
  4. https://www.udep.edu.pe/admision/lima/seis-aptitudes-que-necesitas-para-estudiar-derecho/

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