What does the baby feel when the mother cries during pregnancy? One study claims they both suffer

by time news
June 30, 2022 • By Janine


Pregnancy is a path that inextricably unites the mother with the fetus. Every sensation, every emotion, even what you eat and what you hear comes straight to your baby. You are the center of the world of that little creature you are raising and the bond between you is special, unique and indescribable.

In this regard, some studies have shown that a baby feels the same emotions as the mother during pregnancy. Therefore, if the mother cries with grief, the baby will feel the same. Let’s see how this is possible.

If you’ve been through a pregnancy or are very close to someone who is pregnant, you’ve probably heard people say “who knows if he can feel what I’m feeling?”

It’s a perfectly legitimate question, and science has finally found an answer. According to a study from the University of California-Irvine, it seems that the baby feels the same emotions as the mother, with the same intensity.

Therefore, if the mother cries, the fetus will suffer along with her. This research shows that a baby actively participates in its development in the womb, precisely because at this stage it collects information about life, which can be applied after birth.

“We believe that the human fetus is actively involved in its own development and gathering information for life after birth,” the researchers said. “It prepares for life based on the messages Mom gives.”

Therefore, the baby receives information from the mother during pregnancy. However, the chemical and hormonal signals are received through the placenta. These also include signals related to the mother’s emotional state.

With deep sadness or depression, the child may develop long-term neurological problems or psychiatric disorders. For this reason, it is always recommended to treat prenatal depression.

It is therefore most recommended that the mother has a balanced emotional state during pregnancy, which is calm and allows the baby to develop at its best.

Have you ever heard of this connection?

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