What does the impeachment of the Korean president represent?

by time news

2017-03-10 15:17:28

Ousted Korean President Park Geun-hye violated the Korean Constitution by allowing her friend Choi Soon-sil, known as “Rasputina,” to meddle in state affairs and by colluding with her to extort funds from large companies, including Samsung, the largest in the country.

Park Geun-Hye, 65, is the eldest daughter of General Park Chung-hee, whose brutal reign over the “Republic of Korea” lasted 18 years, until his assassination in 1979. She grew up in the Blue House, seat of the presidency. South Korea, where he had a golden childhood.

The authoritarian government of Park Chung-Hee, between 1961-1979, marked by human rights violations, promoted rapid economic development in a country devastated by war and was greatly influenced by religious leader Choi Tae-Min, self-proclaimed head of the Church of Eternal Life. Although Choi died in 1994, his daughter inherited the influence over Park. Nicknamed “Rasputina” by the press, she is accused of having used her influence to obtain more than 70 million dollars from different companies and of meddling in state affairs. Read: North Korea launches four ballistic missiles into the sea, according to Tokyo

For the United States

The dismissal of Park Geun-Hye does not represent major changes or trauma in her relationship with the United Statesbecause after the war between 1950 and 1953 the power has been on the side of all South Korean governments in the face of the threat posed by North Korea.

Trade agreements, exchanges of vital products between the two countries and especially cooperation agreements in the military field have remained and have been strengthened over the years and regardless of the political trend in power in South Korea.

In this sense, being an ally of the United States resists this type of political crisis in the small but thriving Asian country.

Missile theme

The South Korean political crisis could be taken advantage of by the North Korean regime that could carry out provocative acts in the military camp or on the border.

The Ministry of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff have already ordered all active military personnel to raise their level of alert and surveillance regarding the activities of the North Korean army. Last Monday, Pyongyang launched four medium-range missiles into the East Sea (Sea of ​​Japan) in response to the annual joint maneuvers that Seoul and Washington are carrying out these days in South Korean territory. Read: What is an anti-missile shield and how does it work?

The media of Kim Jong-un’s secretive regime, which has closely followed the corruption scandal that has shaken the neighboring country, reported this Friday of the president’s dismissal with a brief statement.

The acting president of South Korea, Hwang Kyo-ahn, also asked the troops to be fully prepared to face possible provocations from the North regarding the situation in the country.

The Korean peninsula is experiencing a moment of special tension also marked by the recent assassination of the brother of the North Korean leader in Kuala Lumpur, of which Seoul accuses Pyongyang, which denies its participation and in turn denounces a conspiracy against it orchestrated by Malaysia and South Korea. South. Read: Tension rises between Malaysia and North Korea after expulsion of ambassadors

Relationship with China

In this sense it could be thought that Beijing is getting politically closer to Seoul; However, this is not necessarily the case since the Asian power considers that a de-escalation of political-military tension also involves the definitive suspension of military exercises by South Korea and the United States.

International Editorial

#impeachment #Korean #president #represent

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