What does the natal chart of the most voted presidential candidate say?

by time news

2023-08-16 09:53:00

Javier Miley he was the candidate for president with the most votes in the PASO 2023. This categorical triumph aroused the curiosity of many who are now wondering what will happen in the general elections in October. Among them are those who resorted to astrology to find out the hidden profile of Libertad Avanza’s referent.

As expected, astrology entered the political field to provide an approximation of what Milei’s path will be like towards the votes on October 22, the day that will define the future of the country.

In recent days it has been learned that the controversial candidate for president was born on October 22, 1970, so his zodiac sign is Libra, one of the most civilized in the entire horoscope. Generally, they are charming, elegant, peaceful and, above all, very kind people.

For her part, the astrologer Vanina Montes obtained Milei’s date of birth and from there she prepared the birth chart of the Libertad Avanza candidate.

Elections 2023: what Javier Milei’s natal chart says

“I got the time of his birth. It was at 11:50 p.m. Something fundamental within an astral chart is the time factor because it is the one that gives you the ascendant. The image that one has of Libra is that of people who tend to balance, that there is a balance around them. They do not have the quality that they are very interested in confrontation, conflict. Then you have to see each letter in particular. In the case of Milei, she has a lot of Scorpio. Lots of Pluto. This sign is the complete opposite of Libra in relation to the search for harmony and balance, ”he said in an interview with Canal Abierto Radio.

On the other hand, Montes stressed that, in terms of astrology, what characterizes Milei is communication. “It has its ascendant in Gemini, which is a sign related to speed in thought and the association of ideas. Air signs like Gemini generate very mental people, who have a harder time on the emotional plane or emotional intensity,” she explained.

Finally, the specialist explained that the ascendant is something that one has to integrate. He is Libra and has to learn from Gemini. He has to see how he uses this weapon of communication, where we see him more provocative, more upsetting the balance wherever he is. It would be nice if he was a little more Libra in his way of communicating, ”she closed.

What is Javier Milei like according to his zodiac sign?

Milei is from Libra, one of the most civilized of the entire horoscope. Generally, they are charming, elegant, peaceful and, above all, very kind people.

For this reason, it is unusual that in the conflicts that come their way they are impartial or show rejection. Something that does not seem to be consistent with the image that is usually delivered Javier Miley in each of his interventions, either in the media or in the few opportunities that he attended his bench as a deputy.

Another quality that characterizes those born under the sign of Libra is that they value the effort of each person and, when it comes to teamwork, they are quite competitive. But not everything can be positive, and their meddling facet appears on their negative side, since their curiosity often wins the battle. They can’t stand routine and neither can they be opposed to their ideas, something that is common to see in the appearances of the libertarian candidate.

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