What does the Yellow Alert mean in the Andes for dengue? – 2024-04-20 00:34:22

by times news cr

2024-04-20 00:34:22

Senapred reported that the alert will be in effect from this Tuesday until further notice.

The National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred) decree Yellow Alert in the Province of Los Andes due to the presence of the mosquito that transmits dengue.

According to the agency, the measure responds to the risk associated with the Aedes Aegypti vector, which is the mosquito that transmits dengue.

“They have been registered in the province of Los Andes, multiple foci, in all their states, being necessary to adopt measures to minimize the possibilities of reproduction of these,” reported Senapred.

What does the Yellow Alert declared in the Andes for dengue mean?

Through a publication on its social networks, Senapred explained that the Yellow Alert declaration consists of “They will gradually prepare the necessary resources to intervene according to the evolution of the event.“.

This measure is intended to be able “prevent it from growing in extent and severityin addition to minimize negative effects on peopletheir assets and the environment.”

Dengue in the Andes

This Sunday, the Seremi of the Valparaíso Region confirmed the discovery of an Aedes aegypti mosquito at the Ahumada Bus Terminal of the commune of Los Andes.

Due to the above, the health protocols established by the Ministry of Health (Minsal) were activated and several immediate action strategies were outlined.

This week we began the fumigation of the terminal, in addition to strengthening the search for febrile cases and patients who may have symptoms,” said Lorena Cofré.

Symptoms of dengue

  • High fever accompanied by a very severe headache
  • Rash
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Pain behind the eyeballs
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Nausea, or vomiting.

Most cases of dengue have mild symptoms and heals in one to two weeks.

How to prevent the spread of dengue?

To prevent contagion, we must prevent the proliferation of mosquito vectorsso it is necessary to avoid places conducive to its reproduction.

Due to the above, it is necessary keep water containers clean and cutlery.

Other recommendations provided by health authorities are:

  • Prevent mosquitoes from finding favorable places to lay their eggs.
  • Correctly dispose of solid waste and possible artificial habitats.
  • Cover, empty and clean the containers where water is stored for domestic use weekly.
  • Apply appropriate insecticides to containers where water is stored outdoors, as appropriate.
  • Use personal protection measures
  • Mosquito nets on the windows
  • Wear long-sleeved clothing
  • Use repellents
  • Use materials treated with insecticides, among others.

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