What does World Health Day represent?

by time news

As every year, during this date emphasis is placed on the need to cover all the needs of the human being, this includes, of course, health, but whatWhat does World Health Day represent??

To talk about this topic, you must first understand what we mean when we talk about health.

What does World Health Day represent? / Photo: iStock

What is health and what are its characteristics?

The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of infirmity or disease.”

This means that a healthy person is nothing more than one who does not hurt and does not get sick, because a healthy person must have complete well-being in all aspects of his life, not just in the body.

An example of physical well-being is maintaining a proper weight and diet.

The World Health Organization establishes that well-being or mental health is the ability to face stressful situations, as well as the ability to develop all the person’s abilities to learn and contribute to their community.

On the other hand, social well-being refers to those things that contribute to a good quality of life such as decent employment, access to education, access to health, time for recreation or leisure, and sufficient financial resources for daily needs. .

Therefore, a healthy person is the one who meets the three elements of well-being. That is why every year, World Health Day focuses on a topic to be addressed worldwide to ensure that as many people as possible can access a healthy life.

What does World Health Day represent? / Photo: iStock

Who created World Health Day?

World Health Day is established in honor of the creation of the World Health Organization in the year 1948.

Back then, representatives from different countries around the world met with the goal of keeping the world safe and improving the quality of life for vulnerable people. It’s part of everything representing world health day.

What does World Health Day represent? / Photo: Getty Images

What should we do on World Health Day?

On the 75th anniversary of World Health Day, the theme is focused on improving public health, so it is important to raise awareness of the public health needs in each country.

You can add your grain of sand on this day by pointing out the deficiencies and improvements that public health needs in your community so that it can help more people and let the corresponding authorities know.

So that your observations are not in vain, you can organize with members of your community and jointly ask for the improvements they need and point out the problems that exist so that public health is of quality and accessible to all.

Another thing you can do on World Health Day is organize physical exercise activities with your family and acquaintances, to raise awareness of the human need to be healthy.

If there is no health, the human being is limited. Therefore, in order to develop all your abilities, you need health, which is also one of the human rights.

¿What does World Health Day represent?? This day also serves to reflect on your own lifestyle and the things you need to do to meet the three pillars of well-being: physical, mental and social.

As work has been a constant source of stress and fatigue in recent decades, we share a video about fatigue, which is an obstacle to developing physical and mental well-being, necessary to maintain good health on World Health Day.

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