What foods contain trans fat? | The doctor

by time news

How much trans fat is allowed? Where is saturated fat? What foods contain trans fat? Which healthy vegetable fats should you consume instead of trans fats? Trans fat in various products such as borax or cookies which will be detailed later. Along with this, there are two types of good fats: the first type of good fats is monounsaturated fat. Monounsaturated fat is especially found in products of plant origin. For example monounsaturated fat found in olive oil, tahini, sesame, avocado, almonds and walnuts. These are healthy plant fats and you should consume them and not foods with trans fats.

How much trans fat is allowed? Where is saturated fat? What foods contain trans fat? Photo: Pixabay RitaE

The second type of good fat is polyunsaturated fat. There are two types of polyunsaturated fat. Polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega 3 and omega 6 types. The human body does not produce omega 3 and omega 6 acids. Polyunsaturated fat consumption comes from the environment through food. Many foods contain the omega-6 fatty acid, so there is no need to consume it proactively. On the other hand, not many foods contain omega 3. Therefore, it is advisable to include foods containing omega 3 in the nutritional menu or use supplements if we want the beneficial effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on our body.

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Foods containing omega 3:

The bottom line – it is important to consume omega 3 which is a polyunsaturated fat that is beneficial to our health. If so, which foods contain omega 3? Which foods contain omega 3 – which healthy vegetable fats should you consume instead of trans fats? Here is a list of foods containing omega 3:

  • Soy beans
  • Chia seeds
  • sage
  • linseed oil
  • canola oil
  • Walnuts
  • pecans
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Pine nut
  • Spinach
  • Flaxseed
  • Redness
  • Fish like salmon and mackerel

These foods serve as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Why is it important to consume omega 3? Because Omega 3 has health benefits: Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial to our body and are considered good because they have been found in studies to be beneficial in reducing and preventing diseases. Various research findings have revealed that omega-3 is necessary for brain function and health. Omega 3 is associated with reducing fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and reduces the risk of heart disease. It was also found that omega 3 is also useful for reducing inflammation that characterizes various diseases. For example, diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis, asthma and atopic dermatitis related to inflammatory processes.

Where is saturated fat?

Foods containing saturated fat include mainly foods of animal origin. Where is saturated fat? Which foods have a lot of saturated fat that is not healthy for our body? Here is a detailed list of foods with unhealthy saturated fat:

  • butter
  • sausages
  • Dairy products
  • Whole milk
  • cream cheeses
  • chicken
  • Beef
  • eggs
  • Saturated fats can be from animals but also from plants. And where is there saturated fat that does not come from animals? Foods with saturated fat that are not from animals but from plants are found in saturated oils of the hardened fat type such as cocoa oil, palm oil and coconut oil.
  • Saturated fat is also found in processed foods or frozen foods such as foods with saturated fat such as margarine, waffles, cookies, chocolate, candy, ice cream, pastries and more.

What foods contain trans fat?

What foods have trans fat? Food manufacturing processes in which margarine is incorporated often lead to those foods containing harmful trans fat. Trans fat is considered particularly harmful to health and all medical institutional recommendations are to stop its use in food due to its harmful effect. What foods contain trans fat? Below are foods with trans fat.

It is important to check the contents of the packaging of the product you are buying and to check if there is and what is the amount of trans fat in each food. There are sometimes foods in which the manufacturer made sure to use alternatives and the product listed below does not include trans fat. However, in many cases, most of the listed foods include trans fat. So which foods contain trans fat in most cases? Trans fat – products that contain it and should be avoided are listed below:

  • borax
  • Peanut Butter.
  • margarine
  • Processed foods such as ready-made cakes and cookies.
  • Fried food like donuts and chips
  • Frozen pizza.
  • Maloah
  • Waffles.
  • Frozen doughs.
  • Corason.
  • Puff pastry products.
  • snacks.
  • Crème Schnitt cake.

How much trans fat is allowed to be incorporated into food? As a general rule, trans fat is harmful to health, so you should not consume foods that include trans fat at all. However, since many foods contain a lot of trans fat and many consume them despite its damage to heart health, the link to the risk of diabetes and cancer, if you already consume foods with trans fat, it is better to consume foods with very little trans fat over foods high in trans fat. And how much trans fat are companies allowed to incorporate into the food they produce? According to the regulations as of 2022, when the amount of trans fat in the product does not exceed half a percent (that is, one-two-hundredth of the product), then the manufacturer can mark the food as containing up to 0.5% trans fat.

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