What fruits and vegetables you should eat

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  1. 24vita
  2. Health


Von: Natalie Hull Drawbar

In order to strengthen your bones into old age, you should pay attention to a calcium-rich diet in addition to regular exercise. Fruits and vegetables that are rich in calcium should not be missing from your daily menu.

1 / 10With 540 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams, onions are among the most calcium-rich vegetables. They also contain a specific protein that inhibits bone-degrading cells and is intended to protect against osteoporosis. For the health-promoting effect, it is best to eat onions raw or only slightly heat the valuable vegetables. Red onions are considered even healthier because they are rich in antioxidants. Insider tip: Drizzle the contents of the raw onion into your morning juice. © wide format/Imago
Fresh broccoli
2 / 10When it comes to calcium protection, go for green vegetables like broccoli. When cooked, it is one of the recommended suppliers with 118 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams. Broccoli also contains vitamin K, which supports bone strength. © Design Pics/Imago
Fresh spinach
3 / 10When it comes to green vegetables, spinach should also not be missing from the menu. It not only tastes great raw, it also provides the body with 99 milligrams per 100 grams of spinach with the necessary calcium for healthy bone formation. © Victor Burnside/Imago
4 / 10Raw fennel in a salad is a real highlight in terms of taste and is becoming increasingly popular – and it also strengthens the bones, because 100 grams of fennel contain 44 milligrams of calcium. © Photology2000/Imago
5 / 10In addition to the raw onion, it is also the soybean sprouts that impress with their calcium content. 130 milligrams of calcium are contained in 100 grams of soybean sprouts and can protect the bones and prevent osteoporosis if consumed regularly. © imageBROKER/O. Diez/Imago
6 / 10Who doesn’t like freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning. Rub in the peel of the orange as well, it’s good for your bone health. Because 100 grams of orange peel contains about 161 milligrams of calcium. © RaK/Imago
7 / 10The same goes for the lemons! Not only its juice, but also the peel of the lemon serves to prevent osteoporosis when consumed regularly. After all, 100 grams of lemon peel contains 134 milligrams of calcium. © Darren Greenwood/Imago
Honeydew melons
8 / 10Honeydew melon is not only delicious, with a calcium content of 60 milligrams per 100 grams of melon, it comes just after the currants and even before the raspberries. © Iordache Magdalena/Imago
9 / 10Figs are one of the fruits that are eaten fresh and dried. Both fresh and dried figs are rich in nutrients and are considered a gentle laxative. 100 grams of figs contain around 35 milligrams of calcium. Although the content of healthy ingredients is slightly higher in dried figs, they are also more calorie-rich in form. © Wilhelm Boyungs/Imago
10 / 10Yummy! All kinds of berries, such as raspberries, blackberries and blueberries, are rich in important nutrients and, if consumed regularly, also protect the bones with 30 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams. © BVDC/Imago

A calcium-rich diet is crucial for a healthy body and healthy bones. The foods you eat every day also affect bone density in the long term. When it comes to calcium, most people probably think of milk and dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt. There are also many types of fruit and vegetables that you should eat for healthy bone structure and to prevent osteoporosis. In order to achieve optimal prevention of osteoporosis, you should start as early as possible with appropriate nutrition and exercise, before the first symptoms of bone loss appear. Around the age of 35, the so-called “peak bone mass” is reached, the maximum bone density. But even after that, remodeling processes in the skeleton can still be promoted, such as that German pharmacist newspaper reported. In addition, regular exercise in everyday life should not be missing to prevent osteoporosis.

Calcium is an indispensable building block in the formation of the bone matrix and also takes on a variety of functions in the human metabolism. The vital mineral must be supplied with food. Loud Umbrella Association for Osteology (DVO) A daily intake of around 1000 mg of calcium is recommended for young people and adults. Important for women to know: After the menopause, their daily calcium requirement increases to around 1200 mg, as the hormonal changes lead to increased bone loss.

Around eight million people in Germany suffer from osteoporosis. Those affected often do not know about their illness for a long time. Experts assume that only about ten percent of patients who are treated in a clinic with broken bones or vertebrae are actually diagnosed with osteoporosis.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

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